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Respage Now Offers Paid Social Advertising Services for the Multifamily Industry

Respage now offers paid social media advertising services for Facebook and Instagram to help you land more renters. How do these paid ad services differ from our standard social media management services? Why should your apartment community consider paid social ads? Here’s a look at what this new Respage service entails and how apartment marketers can use it to fill the gaps in their current social media campaigns. TheRead more

Apartment Marketers: Here’s An Easy 3 Step Guide to Targeting Baby Boomers

The second largest demographic cohort behind Millennials, Baby Boomers represent a prime marketing target for apartment communities. This is especially true as the generation enters retirement age, a time that is ripe for switching up the environment and moving somewhere new. To help you reach this growing population, we constructed the following quick guide to show you where Boomers are moving, what they look for in a property, andRead more

3 Things Every Apartment Marketer Should Know About Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is the latest craze in apartment marketing, with countless communities reporting an explosion in lead growth after experimenting with the social network. But as is the case with most new trends in the industry, many multifamily professionals have a lot of questions about how these ads can help their communities get more visibility on Facebook. To help bring a little bit of light to the issue, we’veRead more

How Will Google Voice Search Change Your Apartment Marketing Strategy?

Voice Search is poised to quickly disrupt current apartment marketing strategies. We already know that users prefer mobile devices – the most common voice search platform – over desktops, when conducting a search. We also already know that 55 percent of teens and 41 percent of adults use voice search technologies on a daily basis. But how will these unignorable trends shape the future of apartment marketing? Let’s takeRead more

3 Signs That Your Apartment Community’s SEO and Content Marketing Strategies Are Working

Judging the effectiveness of your SEO and content marketing efforts is tough. Monthly reports often leave apartment marketers with a lot of different statistics to ponder, and the sheer amount of this data can sometimes make it difficult to interpret campaign performance. To make things easier, we’re taking a look at three fundamental pillars of a solid SEO campaign and explaining how each pillar influences the next. If youRead more

This Year in Apartment Marketing: A Look Back at Some of the Biggest Changes of the Year, and What’s to Come in 2016

Effective apartment marketing has always been about discovering what works and what doesn’t work, and appropriately refining strategies based on those findings. As we close out 2015, we thought it would be a good idea to share what we’ve learned over the past year. Here’s a look at what has changed, as well as what may be in store for the year ahead. Mobile-geddon Judged the Internet It’s hardRead more

Hashtags for Apartment Communities: A Crash Course

For apartment marketing veterans, hashtags may seem like a silly trend that’s bound to eventually fizzle out. But given their use and popularity among Millennials – the primary target demographic for today’s apartment marketers – it should be quite clear that ignoring hashtags is a huge mistake that could cost you a ton of leads. Here’s a quick look at why hashtags are important and how you can useRead more

Why Is Social Media Important for Apartment Marketing?

Adding Likes and followers to your apartment community’s social networks is a great way to foster resident relationships and build community. As a bonus, the number of Likes and followers you have may lend an SEO advantage that boosts your website’s visibility in Google and other search engines. Here’s a brief look at the average number of Likes and followers that Respage communities claim, along with a few tipsRead more

How Do Apartment PPC Ads Stack Up Against Internet Listing Services?

For the past several years, marketers in the apartment industry have relied on Internet Listing Services to advertise their communities. But as more and more studies reveal the power of PPC campaigns, many industry pros are rethinking their apartment marketing strategies and retooling their advertising arsenal. To give you a breakdown of how the PPC differs from your ILS, we’ve answered some frequently asked questions so that you canRead more

5 Tips That Help Apartment Management Companies Capture More Mobile Traffic

With Google's newest mobile algorithm update running strong, we thought it would be a good idea to address some content marketing strategies specifically tailored to mobile devices. Here's a quick look at five content marketing strategies for apartment management companies that want to capture more mobile traffic. Grab Your User's Attention Headlines matter. Every marketing professional in every industry will tell you that phrasing and design make all theRead more

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