Why Is Social Media Important for Apartment Marketing? - Respage

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Why Is Social Media Important for Apartment Marketing?


Adding Likes and followers to your apartment community’s social networks is a great way to foster resident relationships and build community. As a bonus, the number of Likes and followers you have may lend an SEO advantage that boosts your website’s visibility in Google and other search engines. Here’s a brief look at the average number of Likes and followers that Respage communities claim, along with a few tips on how apartment communities can get more.

Average Number of Followers

Respage clients are typically active on three social networks. These include Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. In 2015, clients had the most social success on Facebook, with communities averaging 280 Likes, approximately. Facebook was trailed by Twitter, which averaged 71 followers, and Google+, which averaged 14 followers. The average follower count across all networks combined was 185.

How Can Apartment Communities Get More Followers?

Short of buying followers – which we highly advise against – there’s no way to guarantee that any technique will result in more followers. However, with the right approach and a little bit of creativity, you can add more followers to your accounts over time. For example, one of the best ways to recruit more followers is to produce and share more high quality content that’s relevant to people in your community. If a person knows that your page is a great place to go for new, interesting, or relevant content, he or she will be more likely to follow your account. Another great way to gain followers is to provide some sort of incentive to people who add your accounts. You could, for instance, exclusively raffle off a gift card to followers.

Why Do Followers Matter?

It’s good to have friends. Although the role that Facebook plays in Search Engine Optimization remains unknown, many influential online marketers have speculated that Google somehow incorporates Facebook activity when determining a website’s rank. The roles of Twitter and Google+, on the other hand, are much more obvious, as Google includes Tweets and Google+ articles in certain search results. Aside from giving a positive lift to your search engine marketing initiatives, having a solid presence on social media makes it easier to spread your community’s content.

Check out these other social media strategies for apartment communities to continue building your online presence.

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