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Apartment Reputation Management is Alive and Well: Getting the Most Out of Review Sites in Late 2017

Online reputation management certainly isn’t the newest or sleekest thing in apartment marketing. If you’re like most multifamily professionals, online reviews have played a role in your branding strategy for quite some time. But age is no indicator of strength. We should never doubt the power of a strategy simply because it’s no longer new or exciting. Furthermore, we should never assume that what worked in the past willRead more
Apartment Marketing Geofencing

An Explainer On Geofencing For Multifamily Marketing

There’s no doubt about it — geofencing is a trending buzzword in the multifamily industry. A recent survey of more than 100 apartment marketing professionals found that 20% had started using geofencing to target prospects within the past year. And, more and more digital marketing agencies are adding it to their array of options aimed at multifamily clients. While location-based technology offers new ways for marketers to reach customers,Read more

Want a 39% Lift in Social Post CTR? Try This Apartment Marketing Tip!

Ever notice how the links you post to social media pull text and images from the linked page? If you’re an apartment marketer, the answer is a definite yes. But you’ve probably also experienced times when social links don’t pull anything at all. This may not seem like a big deal. But the truth is link presentation can make all the difference in your social media exposure. In thisRead more

Will the New “Mid Roll” Facebook Ads Create More Opportunities for Multifamily Marketers?

On Monday Facebook announced its plans to launch a new video advertising feature, according to Techcrunch. The new feature will allow advertisers to run video ads “mid roll,” which will presumably lead to increased engagement for advertisers and higher revenue for publishers. Mid roll ads will only be available on videos that run for 90 seconds or longer. The Techcrunch story also noted the ads will appear at leastRead more

3 High-Performing Apartment Marketing Strategies to Embrace in 2017

The New Year has arrived. And with it, a new set of apartment marketing challenges to face and overcome. For regional managers and people on the front lines of apartment marketing, these challenges mostly revolve around advertising costs and their respective ROIs. But with so many different apartment marketing strategies available, the first challenge is determining which ideas are worth the time. So with that in mind, we putRead more

You Can Use Pokemon Go to Build Buzz About Your Apartment Community!

Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm. Not even two days after its release, the augmented reality game was installed on more than 5 percent of all Android devices in the US. And if that doesn’t sound like much, consider the fact that Tinder – the wildly popular dating app – is installed on a little over 2 percent of US-based Android devices.   The impressive stats don’tRead more


Your Apartment Marketing Strategy is About to Get Clobbered by #Friendmaggedon

In case you missed it, Facebook announced some drastic changes yesterday. These changes will prioritize your friends’ posts, images, and videos so that they appear higher up on your newsfeed, where you are more likely to see them. And while that’s all well and good for you as a user, it could cause some problems for you as an apartment marketer. You can’t prioritize one thing without letting something elseRead more

How the Death of the F-Pattern Affects Apartment Marketing

Attaching yourself to an Internet trend is about as wise as attaching yourself to a Game of Thrones character. In the world of online marketing, there’s no certainty that what’s here today will remain here tomorrow. Things change quickly. No trend is safe. Valar Morghulis. It’s with this in mind that we say farewell to the F-Pattern, and all of the tricks that search marketers previously used to makeRead more

These 3 Facts Explain Why Successful Apartment Marketers Love Paid Social Ads

In order to maintain your title as a successful apartment marketer, you need to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest techniques and strategies for advertising your properties. With that in mind, we put together three facts that explain why paid social ads on Facebook and Instagram are becoming the go-to method for multifamily marketing professionals across the country. If paid social ads aren’t partRead more

The Numbers Are In: How Facebook and Instagram Advertising Changes the Game for Apartment Marketers

Advertising on social media is all the rage these days. In fact, it was the most talked about apartment marketing strategy at the AIM conference last week. To help multifamily professionals gain a better understanding of this marketing medium, and why it’s building so much buzz, we highlighted some impressive statistics discovered in a small sample of our Paid Social Advertising clients. Take a look at the infographic aboveRead more

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