Respage Now Offers Paid Social Advertising Services for the Multifamily Industry - Respage

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Respage Now Offers Paid Social Advertising Services for the Multifamily Industry


Respage now offers paid social media advertising services for Facebook and Instagram to help you land more renters. How do these paid ad services differ from our standard social media management services? Why should your apartment community consider paid social ads? Here’s a look at what this new Respage service entails and how apartment marketers can use it to fill the gaps in their current social media campaigns.

The Problem with Standard Social Media Marketing

Contributing to social media is a critical component of today’s advertising campaigns. You already know that posting to sites like Facebook and Instagram engages current renters and decreases turnover. And if you’re really on your game, you may even use it to address complaints and respond to reviews.

But despite the many benefits of sharing posts and contributing to the social community, this form of outreach does have its limitations. This is especially true when it comes to attracting to new renters.

At the end of the day, the typical social media strategy for lead generation relies on digital word-of-mouth. You publish a post and hope that one of your current followers – likely a renter – shares it with a friend who is looking for a new apartment. This is great when it works because it provides you with a new lead at virtually no cost at all. However, the odds of consistently gaining leads like this are extremely slim.

How Paid Social Posts Offer a Solution

Paid social advertising is like regular social posting on steroids. While regular social posts reach random people via shares and likes from your current followers, paid posts reach real leads via highly refined targeting algorithms. These posts appear directly in your targets’ newsfeeds, creating a native ad experience that increases engagement.

Although certainly not as cheap as organic approaches to social media, paid social ads provide you with access to leads that you may not have reached otherwise. And considering how little it costs to gain access to these leads, the rewards are well worth the price.

Interested in learning more about how paid social advertising can help you land more renters? Contact one of our customer service representatives to learn more!

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