Our content discovery engine makes it easy to find hyper-local stories.
Manage all of your social activity from one single dashboard.
Stay on top of incoming reviews with our 24/7 review response tool.
The average apartment social media manager spends 30 minutes each day curating content, monitoring social posts, and responding to reviews. And that’s just for one property. If the same social media manager is in charge of 10 properties, these tasks require 5 hours per day.
While our standard platform can automate parts of these tasks to save time, the fully-managed option for our platform eliminates these tasks altogether by appointing our in-house social media specialists to do the job for you.
When you trust us to maintain your online presence across social and reputation sites, we take it seriously.
Our full-service package provides a proven system with a highly personalized touch, developed just for multifamily.
From curating and sharing the most engaging content to providing quick, friendly reputation responses, we put the renter first, ensuring you are connecting with your residents effectively.