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Move Over Millennials: Generation Z Is About to Hit the Multifamily Market

Thanks to last week’s blog post, you’re now an expert on marketing to the millennial renter. That’s the good news. The not-so-good news? A whole other generation is rising up right on the heels of the millennials: Generation Z — and they expect even more from your marketing team. Technically, Generation Z overlaps with the millennial generation a bit. It’s made up of anyone born in 1995 or laterRead more

Why It’s Crucial to Use Technology to Attract Millennial Renters

Millennials currently hold the title as the largest generation in history—there are 92 million of them. But who, exactly, falls into this category? The term “millenial” encompasses anyone who was born between the year 1980 and 2000. This means they grew up with practically unlimited access to technology and the internet. In fact, many of them don’t remember a time before computers were a household essential. With the millennialRead more

Why You Should Use Custom Landing Pages to Maximize Your Apartment’s PPC Ads

If you’re already using PPC ads as part of your marketing strategy, then you understand their benefits. PPC ads help to drive traffic to your website by popping up only when potential renters search for a specific term—and since you only pay when someone clicks, this type of advertising is cost-effective. But if the page renters land on isn’t compelling, they’ll navigate away in a split second and forgetRead more

How Respage Can Help You With Micro-Moment Apartment Marketing

On any given day, a typical consumer will spend nearly five hours on his smartphone researching, purchasing, browsing. You might think, “Great, five hours to capture their attention with engaging content.” Not so fast. According to the internet gurus at Google, those hours are punctuated with pivotal micro-moments (about 150 of them daily) that determine if and how a renter interacts with your content. Google defines micro-moments as “intent-richRead more

The Senior Living PPC Cheat-Sheet

All great senior housing PPC strategies begin with a great senior housing keyword strategy. With this fact in mind, we put together a quick cheat sheet that identifies the top keywords in the industry. You’ll notice we broke down our list into two separate categories. The first list is intended for assisted living marketing, while the second list is intended for senior living marketing. We’ve provided our reason forRead more

4 Tips to Optimize Your Senior Living PPC Strategy

Senior living marketing teams are facing a huge shift in who they’re targeting and what tactics they’re using. Baby Boomers love technology just as much as their kids, and they’re turning to search engines like Google to find their retirement homes. With this in mind, we’ve put together the following four tips to optimize your senior living PPC strategy. Expand Your Keyword Horizons Make sure you don’t sell yourselfRead more

3 High-Performing Apartment Marketing Strategies to Embrace in 2017

The New Year has arrived. And with it, a new set of apartment marketing challenges to face and overcome. For regional managers and people on the front lines of apartment marketing, these challenges mostly revolve around advertising costs and their respective ROIs. But with so many different apartment marketing strategies available, the first challenge is determining which ideas are worth the time. So with that in mind, we putRead more

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The New Apartment PPC Ad Formats Promise a Better ROI

Your apartment PPC ads might look different in the coming months. But don’t worry. This change is for the better. Earlier this year, Google rolled out a new AdWords format dubbed Expanded Text Ads. This format was experimental at first and served as a compliment to the original Standard Text Ads format. But according to a statement issued by the search company, Expanded Text Ads will replace Standard TextRead more

Respage Now Offers Adwords Price Extensions to Apartment PPC Clients!

Starting this month, our paid search specialists can add Price Extensions to any client who has an apartment PPC campaign. AdWords Price Extensions allow Respage paid search specialists to show additional lease cost information on mobile text ads. This information appears in table format within Google’s mobile search pages, and pairs floorplans with their respective monthly price. Providing pricing information in the initial stages of PPC campaigns will likely resultRead more


Your Apartment Marketing Strategy is About to Get Clobbered by #Friendmaggedon

In case you missed it, Facebook announced some drastic changes yesterday. These changes will prioritize your friends’ posts, images, and videos so that they appear higher up on your newsfeed, where you are more likely to see them. And while that’s all well and good for you as a user, it could cause some problems for you as an apartment marketer. You can’t prioritize one thing without letting something elseRead more

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