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Instagram Micro-influencers and How to Use Them to Promote Your Apartment Community

The growth of Instagram has brought a new way for apartment marketers to spread the word about their communities: influencer marketing. At its core, influencer marketing brings together old and modern marketing tools, combining the tried-and-true approach of celebrity endorsements with content-driven marketing campaigns. Except that these endorsements aren’t coming from celebrities, they’re coming from so-called micro-influencers who have a social media following of 1,000 to 50,000. And unlikeRead more

Instagram posting

11 Unique Instagram Post Ideas for Multifamily Marketing

So, your apartment community has an Instagram account. Now what? While personal accounts can be a fun way to share selfies and envy-inspiring vacation photos, more thought is needed for multifamily marketers who are trying to raise the profile of their apartment community. To make the most of this popular platform, it’s important to think strategically and approach your posts with goals in mind. But no matter what yourRead more

Instagram Strategy for Multifamily Marketers

Generation Z — anyone born in 1995 or later — is now hitting the rental market. Unlike millennials, who are considered digital natives, Gen Zers are thought to be social natives. Many of them won’t remember a world without social media. So in order to get their attention, apartment communities need to meet them where they are: Instagram. With 800 million users, Instagram can — and should — beRead more


Facebook Ditches Ratings and Reviews: Here’s What That Means for Multifamily Reputation Management

  Yesterday Facebook replaced its Ratings and Reviews with a new “Facebook Recommendations” tool. The news of this update was previously unannounced, and came as quite a shock to those of us in the apartment online reputation management space. To help alleviate concerns about the update and how it may affect your multifamily reputation management strategy, we’re sharing everything we know about the new tool – and what itRead more

Bad apartment reviews? Here's how to fix your online reputation.

Getting Started With Apartment Reputation Management: Monitoring Reviews

If you read enough online reviews, you’ll notice a pattern. When it comes to negative reviews — in which the lowest rating is one star — there are typically a number of them that begin with: “I’d give zero stars if I could.” Consumers check review sites before making relatively minor purchases. Now imagine you’re looking to spend thousands of dollars, move all your belongings, your family, your petsRead more

Post to Instagram Via Your Respage Apartment Social Media Dashboard This July!

Starting this July, Respage users will be able to schedule Instagram posts through their social media dashboards. We’re extremely excited to give our users a convenient way to manage one of the largest social media sites in the United States, and eager to help you get started. That’s why we put together this quick guide for properly setting up your apartment instagram page. To get started, please take aRead more

Facebook Engagement Bait

How Apartment Communities Can Avoid Facebook “Engagement Bait” and What to Do Instead

“Are you looking forward to the 4th of July? If so, hit like!” “The Rittenhouse Square Food and Wine Festival is happening next week. Tag a friend who’d love to go with you!” “Comment ‘YES’ if you love summer as much as we do!” If you’re still posting stuff like this on your apartment community’s Facebook, stop now. Late last year, Facebook began cracking down on companies and brandsRead more

6 Ways to Connect With Your Renters Through Social Media

When it comes to the multifamily industry, the social media presence of an apartment community really matters to residents. A survey by Multifamily Insiders showed that the community’s social media ranked as the third factor that residents consider when deciding whether or not to renew their lease, behind value and a feeling of community among other residents and staff. So what are the best strategies for a multi-family communityRead more

Move Over Millennials: Generation Z Is About to Hit the Multifamily Market

Thanks to last week’s blog post, you’re now an expert on marketing to the millennial renter. That’s the good news. The not-so-good news? A whole other generation is rising up right on the heels of the millennials: Generation Z — and they expect even more from your marketing team. Technically, Generation Z overlaps with the millennial generation a bit. It’s made up of anyone born in 1995 or laterRead more

Why It’s Crucial to Use Technology to Attract Millennial Renters

Millennials currently hold the title as the largest generation in history—there are 92 million of them. But who, exactly, falls into this category? The term “millenial” encompasses anyone who was born between the year 1980 and 2000. This means they grew up with practically unlimited access to technology and the internet. In fact, many of them don’t remember a time before computers were a household essential. With the millennialRead more

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