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Instagram Micro-influencers and How to Use Them to Promote Your Apartment Community

The growth of Instagram has brought a new way for apartment marketers to spread the word about their communities: influencer marketing. At its core, influencer marketing brings together old and modern marketing tools, combining the tried-and-true approach of celebrity endorsements with content-driven marketing campaigns. Except that these endorsements aren’t coming from celebrities, they’re coming from so-called micro-influencers who have a social media following of 1,000 to 50,000. And unlikeRead more

Instagram posting

11 Unique Instagram Post Ideas for Multifamily Marketing

So, your apartment community has an Instagram account. Now what? While personal accounts can be a fun way to share selfies and envy-inspiring vacation photos, more thought is needed for multifamily marketers who are trying to raise the profile of their apartment community. To make the most of this popular platform, it’s important to think strategically and approach your posts with goals in mind. But no matter what yourRead more

Instagram Strategy for Multifamily Marketers

Generation Z — anyone born in 1995 or later — is now hitting the rental market. Unlike millennials, who are considered digital natives, Gen Zers are thought to be social natives. Many of them won’t remember a world without social media. So in order to get their attention, apartment communities need to meet them where they are: Instagram. With 800 million users, Instagram can — and should — beRead more

How to Find the Perfect Hashtag for Every Type of Tweet

Categorizing tweets with the right hashtags can increase your visibility and spread awareness about your community. However, finding the right hashtags for your tweets isn’t always easy. There are a lot of different ways to promote the same message, which is why we built this brief guide to hashtags for apartment marketing. Provided below are four different hashtag types that could work for pretty much any tweet. Trending StoryRead more

3 Easy Ways to Grow Your Facebook Audience Without Paying for Social Ads

Facebook’s organic reach is shrinking. You can officially trace this trend to a June 2016 announcement, in which Facebook Engineering Director Lars Backstrom confirmed that business pages will appear less frequently in users’ newsfeeds. But truth be told, the organic reach of business pages was faltering long before this announcement. Regardless of how long pages have been losing their influence, apartment communities need to do what they can toRead more

Infographic: Social Advertising for $10/day

Ever wondered how much bang for your buck you get with Facebook (and Instagram) advertising? We did. Take a look at the infographic below for a quick glance at how Paid Social Advertising for apartment communities is working for other multifamily professionals. Want to give social advertising a try yourself? Contact us today to get started!

Social Advertising Playbook

  Are Facebook and Instagram still relevant? It’s a fair question. After all, Facebook is over a decade old, which might as well be a century when it comes to the Internet. And with new social networks popping up every day, you could be forgiven for thinking that Facebook and Instagram are a thing of the past. Download our eBook to learn how to unlock the power of FacebookRead more

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