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5 Things Every Apartment Marketer Should Know About AMP

If you spend any time during the day perusing online marketing news, you’ve probably heard of AMP. The word has been thrown around a lot lately, particularly by Google and SEO professionals. But what is AMP, exactly? And why does it matter? To answer these questions and more, we’ve put together the following list of 5 things every apartment marketer must know about AMP. What is AMP? AMP standsRead more


Should Apartment Marketers Worry About Google’s Widget Link Announcement?

Thursday morning, Google issued a stern warning against the use of keyword anchor text in  widget links. The announcement serves as a reminder to marketers far and wide that using tactics which violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines will ultimately result in penalties and lower search rankings. Google has long maintained that it does not tolerate links that try to manipulate a site’s PageRank. Any link that was not editorially addedRead more

Common On-Site Promotions Will Soon Hurt Your Apartment’s SEO Goals

Google will soon punish websites that feature intrusive intersitionals, according to an announcement published on the company’s official webmaster blog last week. The update – which will go into effect on January 10, 2017 – aims to improve the user experience of mobile search. But for the ill-prepared apartment SEO manager, it may also result in lower search rankings. In online marketing, an intersitional page is defined as aRead more

5 Simple Blog Post Ideas That Will Boost Your Apartment’s SEO While Also Helping Your Residents

Publishing fun and informative blog posts on your apartment’s website isn’t just a good way to communicate with your residents. It’s also a very effective way to boost your site’s search engine rankings. Digital marketers attribute the relationship between quality blog posts and higher search engine rankings to backlinks. Google uses these backlinks to estimate the authority of a certain page. The more backlinks a web page receives fromRead more

5 Things Every Apartment Marketer Needs to Know About the Recent AdWords Changes

Over the weekend, Google eliminated the ads section that formerly appeared on the right hand side of the Search Engine Results Pages. The sudden and unexpected change has caused a ton of speculation on how advertisers, businesses, and users will be affected. In order to quell the concerns of apartment marketers, we took the liberty of answering five common questions we’re currently hearing from our clients. What’s different? PriorRead more

Search Patterns of Renters: An Infographic That Illustrates Where, How, and When People Look for Apartments

Have you ever wondered where most people who google “apartments for rent” live, or what devices they use to conduct their search? This infographic has the answers. Respage analyzed data from millions of apartment related searches across the United States to discover the search patterns of renters. We then visualized that data to make it easier to understand. By pulling insights from this infographic, multifamily communities can build apartmentRead more

The Absolute Best Deal in Apartment PPC and SEO!

On Friday, January 15, we restructured our service packages in order to provide the multifamily industry with one of the very best deals in online apartment marketing. While our old service packages are still available, the newest plans focus entirely on PPC or SEO.. For those unfamiliar with PPC and SEO, the acronyms stand for Pay-Per-Click and Search Engine Optimization, respectively. PPC Ads are text-based advertisements that fall underRead more

5 Proven Apartment Marketing Ideas You Can Actually Track

Signing more leases and lowering vacancy rates in your apartment community largely comes down to visibility. You know that there’s a strong correlation between how much exposure your community receives and how many people express interest in becoming new tenants. But while correlations can indicate a cause and effect relationship, apartment marketing strategies that are solely based in correlation tend to leave a lot up to interpretation. Fortunately, today’sRead more

3 Common Google My Business Mistakes That Will Damage Your Apartment Community’s SEO

Photo Credit: Public Domain Last week, the Seattle-based SEO research company Moz released the results of its 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors survey. While the full survey examines a number of factors that Google’s algorithm may take into account when calculating rankings, the purpose of this article is to examine how a simple mistake within your Google My Business setup can damage your apartment community’s position in the searchRead more

Changes to Google’s Local Pack Will Increase Competition among Apartment Communities

They say that seven is a lucky number, but it seems as though Google doesn’t agree. Last month, the leader in search dropped the number of business listings in its "local pack" to three, when it had previously been set to seven. Google has also modified the information included in the local pack. Here’s a quick look at what else has changed: Phone Numbers Are No Longer Present LocalRead more

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