5 Things Every Apartment Marketer Should Know About AMP

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5 Things Every Apartment Marketer Should Know About AMP

Apartment Marketers Need to Get Amped

If you spend any time during the day perusing online marketing news, you’ve probably heard of AMP. The word has been thrown around a lot lately, particularly by Google and SEO professionals. But what is AMP, exactly? And why does it matter? To answer these questions and more, we’ve put together the following list of 5 things every apartment marketer must know about AMP.

What is AMP?

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. The overall goal of the project is to make the web faster for everyone. Although AMP is an open source initiative, it’s received backing from major technology companies like Google.

Why Does AMP Matter?

More than 3.2 billion people use the Internet everyday. But less than a third of those people have high-speed connections. Because of these slower connections, a majority of Internet users cannot access much of the Internet’s content.

The development of AMP technology will change this trend. By reducing page size and load times, AMP ensures that every Internet user can access the information they need. With AMP, even people using mobile 2G connections can quickly access rich content, including images and videos.

Will AMP Help Your Apartment SEO Strategy?

Google is actively involved in AMP development. The company started denoting AMP enabled pages in it’s search engine months ago. It has also posted several articles over the past weeks about how publishers and developers should use AMP.

Google has indicated that AMP will not affect SEO results at this time. But given the company’s history of prioritizing the most user-friendly pages, it’s likely that AMP will be an SEO signal in the future. We believe that a future AMP update will closely resemble the “Mobilegeddon” update from 2015.

How Do You AMPlify Your Pages?

There are two ways to AMPlify your pages. The easy way and the hard way. For apartment marketers interested in doing things the easy way, we recommend How to Improve Your Apartment SEO Strategy with AMP. It’s a five step guide that shows you how to install and activate the AMP WordPress plugin.

If you’re a code-savvy apartment marketer and want to get your hands dirty, check out the official AMP Project website.

When Will AMP Officially Roll Out?

AMP content is already available in several countries and languages in the Top Stories Carousel of Google. The search engine has also announced that AMP content will roll out worldwide when it launches in the coming weeks. By the end of the year, Google will make all different types of AMP content available within search.

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