5 Crazy Simple Post Ideas That Boost Apartment SEO Overnight

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5 Simple Blog Post Ideas That Will Boost Your Apartment’s SEO While Also Helping Your Residents


Publishing fun and informative blog posts on your apartment’s website isn’t just a good way to communicate with your residents. It’s also a very effective way to boost your site’s search engine rankings.

Digital marketers attribute the relationship between quality blog posts and higher search engine rankings to backlinks. Google uses these backlinks to estimate the authority of a certain page. The more backlinks a web page receives from quality, well-regarded sources, the higher that page will appear in Google for certain phrases.

A page’s backlinks can come from outside your website’s domain or from within its domain. Quality backlinks from outside domains can work wonders for your website’s search rankings, but they are extremely difficult to receive without a serious content marketing strategy. Backlinks from within your website’s domain, on the other hand, are not quite as good for apartment SEO, but are easy to receive since you can build them yourself.

Here’s a look at five post topics that are useful not just for your residents, but also for your search marketing, SEO, and backlinking efforts:

Idea #1: Pool Posts

If your apartment community has a pool, it’s important that you use your blog to communicate with residents about anything related to that pool. For example, you could create a post that contains all of your pool rules, or a post that informs residents of an upcoming community pool party. Any post that’s about your pool will ideally contain a backlink to a separate page on your website that’s solely dedicated to advertising the fact that your community has a pool. Doing so will help to ensure your website ranks well for the search term “apartments with pools in (your city).”

Idea #2: Maintenance Posts

There’s nothing wrong with turning a problem into an opportunity. If your apartment community is undergoing some maintenance, be sure to promote the results of the finished product. For example, if your community is adding or replacing all of the washing and drying machines in each individual unit, let residents know what type of updated models will serve as replacements. And just as was the case with the pool, you’ll want to make sure that this post contains links that will help your community rank well for the term “apartments with laundry facilities in (your city).”

Idea #3: Parking Posts

Does your apartment community feature off-street parking in a city or neighborhood where empty parking spots are hard to find? If so, you can use blog posts to build backlinks that will help you rank for “apartments with off-street parking” search terms. Parking blog posts can be about any rules you may have for parking in your lot, such as those that may pertain to guests of residents. You can also post about any upcoming maintenance projects, like paving or snow removal.

Idea #4: Transportation Posts

Understandably, apartments that are close to transportation hubs like airports and train stations are highly desirable. So if your apartment community happens to be close to a regional hub, it’s extremely beneficial that you highlight that fact. Consider listing schedules for popular trains or buses. You could also alert residents of any potential delays due to construction or weather.

Idea #5: Pet Posts

Every resident who owns an animal will likely be interested in learning about pet-friendly services and destinations in the local area. For this reason, posts about dog parks, veterinary clinics, and groomers are all good ideas. These posts will help your apartment community rank for the “pet-friendly apartments in (your city)” search term, which is one of the most frequently searched phrases in the industry.

When done correctly, blog posts will do wonders for your apartment’s SEO while also helping your residents learn more about their community.

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