Why You Should Use Custom Landing Pages to Maximize Your PPC Ads

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Why You Should Use Custom Landing Pages to Maximize Your Apartment’s PPC Ads

If you’re already using PPC ads as part of your marketing strategy, then you understand their benefits. PPC ads help to drive traffic to your website by popping up only when potential renters search for a specific term—and since you only pay when someone clicks, this type of advertising is cost-effective. But if the page renters land on isn’t compelling, they’ll navigate away in a split second and forget all about your property. That’s why you should customize your landing page.

Why It Matters
Many PPC ads send those who click them directly to the homepage of a website. While this may be effective for a renter who’s already interested in your property, if someone is just browsing, the sudden onslaught of general info could drive them away. When you create a specialized landing page—e.g., a list of pet-friendly amenities for the search “pet-friendly apartments”—less committed consumers may take the next step toward signing a lease. Or at least stay on your site to explore a bit more.

If you’re new to the concept of creating custom landing pages, here are a few hard and fast tips to help:

Make It Search-Specific
First and foremost, you want your landing page to very clearly deliver on the promise implicit in the PPC ad. So, for instance, if you’re targeting renters who search for apartments in a particular neighborhood, make sure your landing page highlights the perks of its location and doesn’t just give a general rundown of your property.

Hit the Headline Hard
A great way to assure consumers that they’ve landed on the right page is to splash a punchy headline across the top of your page that states exactly the info it contains. The headline should also be specific to their Google search. For example, “Love Art and Culture? You’ll Find It in [your property’s neighborhood].”

Use Photos and Videos
There’s a reason “a picture is worth a thousand words” is a time-worn cliche—because it’s true. Incorporate high-quality photos or video tours of your units and amenities as high up on the page as you can, maybe even in the header, to engage consumers immediately. Again, keep the subject of this custom landing page in mind when you select your photos or videos.

Keep It at an Intuitive Length
There’s no clear consensus on the optimal length of a landing page, so the best rule of thumb we can offer is keep it simple and go with your gut. Don’t use more words than you need to, but make sure that you include any relevant details and imagery that may entice a renter.

Include a Call to Action
The point of PPC ads is to get renters to take the next step and ultimately sign a lease, so make it easy for them. Include a call to action in the form of a button they can click to call your leasing office (make sure it’s mobile-friendly). You can also include a form that renters fill out with their info and then have someone reach out. Better yet, use an AI-powered leasing agent, like the Respage Chatbot, to answer renters’ questions succinctly and without delay. Regardless, make sure that it’s simple for renters to get in touch and find the answers they’re looking for.

Interested in learning more about PPC marketing? See how Respage’s Apartment PPC Services can help generate traffic to your website.

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