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8 Senior Living Social Media Strategies Proven to Boost Resident Happiness

It’s not unusual for older adults, even those living in senior living communities, to feel isolated. Those lonely feelings can lead to depression and other health concerns, like memory issues. But it doesn’t have to be that way. More and more seniors are becoming tech savvy — in fact, this demographic is embracing social media at a faster rate than any other age group. And, as a result, aRead more


How Yelp and Other Review Sites Can Boost a Senior Living Community’s Online Reputation

What takes years to build and seconds to destroy? The answer is your reputation. Most people begin their search for a senior living community on the internet, so it’s more important than ever to make sure your online reputation is a good one. But as a result of online reviews and other information that’s easily available with a few clicks of a mouse, you no longer have complete controlRead more


5 Review Sources Every Senior Living Reputation Manager Should Track

A few years back, any mention of senior living online reputation management would be met with a chuckle. The senior living audience isn’t online, right? Why dedicate any resources to addressing senior living reviews that no prospect will ever read? My, how times have changed. Today’s senior living marketers don’t just know that their prospects are online. They also know online reviews heavily influence the decisions made by theirRead more


How to Build a Senior Living Social Media Strategy Residents Will Love to Like!

When Facebook launched in 2004, only students at certain universities could join. What a difference a decade makes. In recent years, adults aged 74 and above have become the fastest-growing demographic on social media, according to the Pew Research Center. About 39 million people aged 65 and older use Facebook, Twitter and Skype, with Facebook taking first place. Not only are they using Facebook to keep up with familyRead more

The Senior Living PPC Cheat-Sheet

All great senior housing PPC strategies begin with a great senior housing keyword strategy. With this fact in mind, we put together a quick cheat sheet that identifies the top keywords in the industry. You’ll notice we broke down our list into two separate categories. The first list is intended for assisted living marketing, while the second list is intended for senior living marketing. We’ve provided our reason forRead more


3 Critical Senior Living Website Strategies for Mobile Optimization

It’s no secret that responsive websites are preferred by search engines and Internet users in general. But when older audiences are your primary marketing target, having a responsive website becomes even more important. It’s for this reason we put together these three critical mobile optimization strategies for senior living marketing. Cross the following off your to-do list and watch your website conversions soar! Make Your Text Easy to ReadRead more

4 Tips to Optimize Your Senior Living PPC Strategy

Senior living marketing teams are facing a huge shift in who they’re targeting and what tactics they’re using. Baby Boomers love technology just as much as their kids, and they’re turning to search engines like Google to find their retirement homes. With this in mind, we’ve put together the following four tips to optimize your senior living PPC strategy. Expand Your Keyword Horizons Make sure you don’t sell yourselfRead more

3 Useful Facebook Advertising Tips for 55+ Communities

Apartment marketers who work with 55+ communities don’t have too many options when it comes to social advertising. After all, it’s quite uncommon for a Baby Boomer to have an Instagram account. And you can completely forget about Snapchat. But there is one social network that has captured the attention of Boomers: Facebook. As of 2016, roughly 30 percent of Boomers had active Facebook accounts, and that number isRead more

Respage Launches Digital Marketing Solutions for Senior Living Communities

Starting in April, Respage will extend its line of multifamily marketing products and services to the senior living sector. Property management companies that cater to senior living communities will have access to all the products and services current Respage clients love, including: Reputation management tools that alert property management companies and/or on-site staff to newly published reviews and other reputation threats, as well as a review response service thatRead more

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