Introducing: Adwords Price Extensions for Apartment PPC!

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Respage Now Offers Adwords Price Extensions to Apartment PPC Clients!

Starting this month, our paid search specialists can add Price Extensions to any client who has an apartment PPC campaign.

AdWords Price Extensions allow Respage paid search specialists to show additional lease cost information on mobile text ads. This information appears in table format within Google’s mobile search pages, and pairs floorplans with their respective monthly price.

Providing pricing information in the initial stages of PPC campaigns will likely result in higher conversion rates. It’s not uncommon for rental prospects to click on apartment ads, only to later discover on the apartment’s website that units are out of their price range. The upfront transparency of Price Extensions allows us to qualify leads before they click on our ads, which ultimately increases ROI for our clients.

Here’s what the setup looks like on the AdWords back-end:


Additional Information About Price Extensions and Apartment PPC

AdWords Price Extensions have functionality for time-sensitive offers. For example, if your community runs a special promotional price during a certain month, we can create separate price extensions for the corresponding start and end dates of that promotion.

Please note that Price Extensions will only appear under top-ranked PPC ads. If your ad appears in Position #2 for a specific search query, the extensions will not be visible.

If you’re a current apartment PPC client and you’d like to add Price Extensions to your campaign, contact your client services representative today.  

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