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4 Tips to Optimize Your Senior Living PPC Strategy

Senior living marketing teams are facing a huge shift in who they’re targeting and what tactics they’re using. Baby Boomers love technology just as much as their kids, and they’re turning to search engines like Google to find their retirement homes. With this in mind, we’ve put together the following four tips to optimize your senior living PPC strategy. Expand Your Keyword Horizons Make sure you don’t sell yourselfRead more

3 High-Performing Apartment Marketing Strategies to Embrace in 2017

The New Year has arrived. And with it, a new set of apartment marketing challenges to face and overcome. For regional managers and people on the front lines of apartment marketing, these challenges mostly revolve around advertising costs and their respective ROIs. But with so many different apartment marketing strategies available, the first challenge is determining which ideas are worth the time. So with that in mind, we putRead more

Why You Shouldn’t Run AdWords on a Need-Be Basis

Building a great Paid Search campaign takes time. The longer you run a campaign, and the more insights you gather from that campaign, the better off you’ll be when it comes to driving paid leads to your website. Unfortunately, when budgets are tight or vacancy rates are low, many apartment communities question whether or not they should continue running Paid Search campaigns through platforms like Google AdWords. This makesRead more

Multifamily Marketers: Here’s a Quick Look at Why You Need to Add PPC to Your Marketing Budget in 2016

Budgeting season has arrived. And in 2016, the competition will be intense. To ensure that our clients remain ahead of the game when it comes to securing leads and lowering vacancy rates, we are presenting you with the following three facts about PPC ads and explaining why they are absolutely critical for success in the coming year. #1: PPC Ads Work Critics of marketing have historically classified the industryRead more

Respage Announces New PPC Marketing Services for the Multifamily Industry

Respage is proud to announce that we’ve recently repackaged our Pay-Per-Click services in order to make it more affordable, effective and user-friendly. The new packages now include display ad remarketing and call tracking services, so you can better understand your ROI. And to make budgeting a bit easier, the new packages also include both the advertising budget and the service fee. Click here to learn more.

How Do Apartment PPC Ads Stack Up Against Internet Listing Services?

For the past several years, marketers in the apartment industry have relied on Internet Listing Services to advertise their communities. But as more and more studies reveal the power of PPC campaigns, many industry pros are rethinking their apartment marketing strategies and retooling their advertising arsenal. To give you a breakdown of how the PPC differs from your ILS, we’ve answered some frequently asked questions so that you canRead more

Will Google’s Newest Extension Improve Engagement for Your Apartment’s PPC Ads?

Last week, Google released a new extension for AdWords that allows marketers to augment their ads with structured snippets. The new extension is similar to the dynamic structured snippets extension released last March. But whereas the March extension automatically pulled snippets into ads based on website categories, the new extension allows marketers to select their own snippets. Like callout extensions, the snippets serve a contextual purpose and are aRead more

4 Reasons Why Effective Apartment Marketing Strategies Require Paid Search Campaigns

Ignoring the power of paid search is a big mistake. Unfortunately, it’s also a mistake that’s incredibly common. In order to shed light on why apartment marketers should avoid making this blunder, we’ve assembled the following four reasons explaining how paid search works wonders for online marketing strategies. Reason #1: Paid Search Creates Brand Visibility Nearly 50 percent of all web traffic comes from organic search, according to conductor.com.Read more

Respage Express: Now With SEO & PPC Reporting

Respage Express now includes SEO and Pay Per Click (PPC) reporting. Why? Because you need to know how your social media and online marketing works for you. You shouldn't have to go elsewhere to do it, and it should be easy. Respage Express easily breaks down SEO and PPC results into Summaries, Analysis/Recommendations, and Data. PPC & SEO reporting through Respage Express is available to any of our clientsRead more

Why Search Engine Optimization is King

What's the best way to advertise on social media — Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Pay Per Click? According to a survey by Social Media Examiner, 65% of marketers choose SEO, making it the second most preferred strategy. Direct e-mail marketing was first at 87%, while PPC languished in sixth place at 38%. SEO scored highly because it's an organic approach. Instead of inducing consumers to click away fromRead more

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