Why Search Engine Optimization is King - Respage

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Why Search Engine Optimization is King

What's the best way to advertise on social media — Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Pay Per Click?

According to a survey by Social Media Examiner, 65% of marketers choose SEO, making it the second most preferred strategy. Direct e-mail marketing was first at 87%, while PPC languished in sixth place at 38%.

SEO scored highly because it's an organic approach. Instead of inducing consumers to click away from their task, SEO positions websites at the top of search results — in other words, helping people get what they want.

Respage drives up SEO by syndicating blog posts to your social media pages. Your Facebook and Twitter followers hear about every new post, drawing traffic back to the main site and bolstering your SEO results.

If you'd like to know more about how Respage's SEO experts can help you, ask us.

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