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5 Things Every Apartment Marketer Should Know About AMP

If you spend any time during the day perusing online marketing news, you’ve probably heard of AMP. The word has been thrown around a lot lately, particularly by Google and SEO professionals. But what is AMP, exactly? And why does it matter? To answer these questions and more, we’ve put together the following list of 5 things every apartment marketer must know about AMP. What is AMP? AMP standsRead more

Common On-Site Promotions Will Soon Hurt Your Apartment’s SEO Goals

Google will soon punish websites that feature intrusive intersitionals, according to an announcement published on the company’s official webmaster blog last week. The update – which will go into effect on January 10, 2017 – aims to improve the user experience of mobile search. But for the ill-prepared apartment SEO manager, it may also result in lower search rankings. In online marketing, an intersitional page is defined as aRead more

5 Things Every Apartment Marketer Needs to Know About the Recent AdWords Changes

Over the weekend, Google eliminated the ads section that formerly appeared on the right hand side of the Search Engine Results Pages. The sudden and unexpected change has caused a ton of speculation on how advertisers, businesses, and users will be affected. In order to quell the concerns of apartment marketers, we took the liberty of answering five common questions we’re currently hearing from our clients. What’s different? PriorRead more

Google Will Reportedly ‘Carve Up’ Google+

Know a dedicated Google+ user? We don't either. According to TechCrunch, Google is prepared to 'carve up' the failed social network and may integrate its features into existing Google products. That means Google+ will no longer compete with Facebook, but you'll probably see features like photos and Hangouts pop up elsewhere. Most Google+ employees are being folded into the Android team, so look for increased capabilities there. Mandatory Google+Read more

Claim Your Custom URL on Google+

Google+ now offers custom URLs. If you've had a page (with profile picture) for at least 30 days and have at least 10 followers, a custom Google+ URL is probably available to you. Click here for more information.

Respage Now Incorporates Google+

Respage's reach keeps growing. We can now publish to your Google+ Business Pages. Just $20 extra per month gives your business a strong Google+ presence, complete with comment moderation. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ — Respage helps you harness the power of social media without the time commitment. Ask us for more information.

Google Wants You to Sell Socks

Or shoes. Or paint. Or nail clippers. From November 11, Google will include user photos next to product reviews. Did you give nail clippers one star on Google+? Love Kanye West on YouTube? Google now has the right to include your profile photo in search results. They’re betting that if Grandma is on the fence about buying that Kanye West record, a recommendation from your sweet face will countRead more

Google+ Is More Than a Social Network

Google+ first arrived in June 2011, and for the last two years, Google has been saying that the platform is more than just a social network. Last month, Google took even more strides to further prove that Google+ is not merely a response to Facebook or Twitter when they introduced an array of new features. The underlying goal of Google+ has always been to create one, unified Google identityRead more

Google: Duplicate Content is Not a Site Killer

A few years ago Google's answer to duplicate content was simple: don't do it. The site used to punish duplicate content by driving down SEO, but now that's not always the case. Google's current approach is more flexible and nuanced — duplicate content can even help you. Here are some examples. Many of us use free online press release services to generate inbound links. Websites subscribe to these newswires andRead more

Don’t Want Google+? Think Again

Not a Google+ user? You may want to check on that. Google aims to expand and monetize its social network by tying Google+ to all Google accounts. That means that when you sign up for Gmail, YouTube and other Google services, you automatically receive a Google+ that will show up in search results. The move is a play for Facebook's treasured commodity; the ability to tie online activity toRead more

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