Don't Want Google+? Think Again - Respage

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Don’t Want Google+? Think Again

Not a Google+ user?

You may want to check on that. Google aims to expand and monetize its social network by tying Google+ to all Google accounts. That means that when you sign up for Gmail, YouTube and other Google services, you automatically receive a Google+ that will show up in search results.

The move is a play for Facebook's treasured commodity; the ability to tie online activity to real names and networks. But for now, at least, Facebook is a single service, and users know what they're signing up for. An ordinary Gmail account, on the other hand, may result in your real name, hometown and other personal information being shared on Google+.

Though Google allows you to remove your Google+ page from search results or delete it entirely, take this opportunity to check on your shared information, and watch for future Google privacy and transparency issues.

Read more here.

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