The Numbers Are In: How Facebook and Instagram Advertising Changes the Game for Apartment Marketers - Respage

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The Numbers Are In: How Facebook and Instagram Advertising Changes the Game for Apartment Marketers


Advertising on social media is all the rage these days. In fact, it was the most talked about apartment marketing strategy at the AIM conference last week. To help multifamily professionals gain a better understanding of this marketing medium, and why it’s building so much buzz, we highlighted some impressive statistics discovered in a small sample of our Paid Social Advertising clients.

Take a look at the infographic above for a quick glance at how Paid Social Advertising for apartment communities is working for other multifamily professionals. Or, for a more detailed explanation of this marketing medium’s benefits, check out the findings below.

The Reach of Facebook and Instagram Advertising

Our sample study shows that apartment marketers can reach more than 31,000 people each month through Facebook and Instagram advertising. Of course, these numbers were based on an ad spend of just $10 per day. The more you’re willing to spend, the more impressions you’ll receive.

The Facebook and Instagram Audience

Facebook and Instagram are extremely popular among Millennials, so it makes sense that 70 percent of people reached by our sample ads fell between the ages of 25 and 34. This is great news for apartment marketers, as Millennials also happen to be more interested in renting than any other age group.

However, it’s important to remember that Facebook and Instagram ads have the ability to hone in on any age group you want to target. So if you’re marketing a 55+ community, you can modify your ads so that they only display to people of that age group.

Higher Return on Investment

Facebook and Instagram Ads are not intent-based. While they target people who may show interest in your property, those people may not necessarily be looking for a new apartment. This approach differs drastically from PPC strategies, where ads appear only after the user identifies his or her intent to move homes.

Still, it has its advantages.

The cost-per-click from our sample ads was just $0.45, on average. That’s less than half the cost of the estimated first page bids for PPC campaigns!

Want to know more about how social advertising helps apartment marketers? Contact us to get the full scoop.

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