Posted on July 23, 2013
Facebook now uses clickable #hashtags. The number-one social network adopted the practice from its rival Twitter. If you haven't used them, they're simple; try typing #phillies in the search bar on your newsfeed. Click on the phrase and you'll see more posts about Philadelphia's baseball team. Until now, Facebook had no way to aggregate posts about hot topics. They don't seem to mind using Twitter's innovation, either, pointing outRead more
Posted on July 10, 2013
If you’re looking for post inspiration for your blog, Facebook, or Twitter, we’ve got you covered. Here are another five topics that you can use to engage your residents that will enhance your multifamily property’s social media marketing strategy. Click here for Social Media Posting Ideas – Part I. Seasonal events – farmers markets, summer concerts, holiday shows, etc. Example: Don’t forget that this Saturday from 8 a.m. toRead more
Posted on July 5, 2013
To enter the Sweepstakes, Like our Facebook Page and then look for the Sweepstakes tab (image shown below) located on our Facebook Page to enter. Sweepstakes ends August 31st, 2013. For mobile users ONLY, like our Facebook Page, and then click here to enter!
Posted on June 25, 2013
Google+ first arrived in June 2011, and for the last two years, Google has been saying that the platform is more than just a social network. Last month, Google took even more strides to further prove that Google+ is not merely a response to Facebook or Twitter when they introduced an array of new features. The underlying goal of Google+ has always been to create one, unified Google identityRead more
Posted on June 20, 2013
On July 1, 2013, Facebook Check-In Deals will be removed completely. The transition began on June 1 when Facebook began replacing Deals with Offers, but, starting in July, Facebook Deals will be gone forever. Facebook Check-In Deals were a free way for apartment communities and businesses to advertise deals when customers, residents, or potential renters visited their community or storefront, most likely for the first time. Now, Deals areRead more
Posted on June 14, 2013
An issue that has long irked Facebook users is that you could not edit status update posts once they went live on your wall – your only option was to delete them entirely and start over. But now, Facebook is testing this feature that will finally allow users to edit their status updates without having to delete and start from scratch. To check out this new Facebook feature, createRead more
Posted on May 30, 2013
Do you ever struggle to come up with creative and novel post ideas to share with your residents on your blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts? Well, we’ve done the work for you. Here are five topics that you can use to engage your renters that will work with almost every multifamily social media strategy – and check back soon for more ideas! Resident announcements – weather announcements, general maintenance,Read more
Posted on May 28, 2013
Earlier this year, Yelp was taken to court because of its automated user review filter. Yelp uses an automated review filter to attempt to highlight the most legitimate, relevant reviews. The exact algorithm the site uses is unknown, but most likely Yelp is taking into account the length of the text as well as the content and composition of the review. Some business owners, including the owner of threeRead more
Posted on May 20, 2013
On Monday, May 20, 2013, Yahoo announced it will buy Tumblr, a popular blogging platform for $1.1 billion cash. Since Yahoo’s new CEO Marissa Mayer took over, the company has been making strides to make itself more relevant. Yahoo promises "not to screw it up," and will purchase the blogging site from David Karp, the 26-year-old boy-genius who heads Tumblr. With regard to the acquisition, Yahoo said Tumblr willRead more
Posted on May 16, 2013
Sure, most of us have at least a general idea of what to share with our Facebook fans and Twitter followers, but have you given any thought to what you should NOT share with them? This topic was recently brought to light thanks to an Arizona restaurant’s epic Facebook meltdown after being featured on Gordon Ramsey’s hit show, Kitchen Nightmares. After receiving heat from Ramsey about their business practices,Read more