Social Media Posting Ideas for Apartment Communities – PART II - Respage

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Social Media Posting Ideas for Apartment Communities – PART II

If you’re looking for post inspiration for your blog, Facebook, or Twitter, we’ve got you covered. Here are another five topics that you can use to engage your residents that will enhance your multifamily property’s social media marketing strategy. Click here for Social Media Posting Ideas – Part I.

  1. Seasonal events – farmers markets, summer concerts, holiday shows, etc. Example: Don’t forget that this Saturday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. is opening day of the Green County Farmers Market at 12th and Pine Streets.
  2. Sporting events – local teams, 5Ks, etc. Example: August 16th is the Race My Way 5K that benefits the local community center. Sign up today!
  3. Property facts – number of residents, poll results, survey results, facts about residents, etc. Example: Did you know that there are over 500 people living in our multi-family community? How many of your neighbors do you know? Introduce yourself to someone new today!
  4. Property news – new staff, new projects, etc. Example: We want to extend a warm welcome to Julie Shreen, our new maintenance manager at Golden Glen Apartments. She’s going to be a great addition to the team!  
  5. Local restaurant and store spotlights. Example: Love Indian food? Check out Crossroads Cuisine on Maple Ave, and order the Chicken Tikka Masala!

Check back again soon for Part III, and for more social media marketing ideas, read through Part I now.

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