Social Media Posting Ideas for Apartment Communities – Part I - Respage

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Social Media Posting Ideas for Apartment Communities – Part I

Do you ever struggle to come up with creative and novel post ideas to share with your residents on your blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts? Well, we’ve done the work for you. Here are five topics that you can use to engage your renters that will work with almost every multifamily social media strategy – and check back soon for more ideas!

  1. Resident announcements – weather announcements, general maintenance, notices or changes, etc. Example: For your safety, we'll be replacing your smoke detector batteries from July 13-18. Thanks for your cooperation!
  1. Shout outs to good neighbors. Example: Thanks to everyone who helped fellow Bloomsbury Apartments residents dig out cars after our February 4th snow storm. Thanks especially to Tom W., Kristen T., and Harry G.
  1. Good news & announcements from residents (get written permission from the resident first). Example: Congratulations to Jill and Andy Smith from building C who welcomed their first baby – Kyle Michael Smith – on April 25th. The Connor Square staff congratulates you!
  1. Personal messages from staff that have the potential to engage residents. Example: Can you believe that Larry from Leasing is a huge 76ers fan? He only wishes they could win a little more often. Don't you?
  1. Social events announcements – bus trips, block parties, etc. Example: Don't forget our Independence Day Pool Party will be Saturday, July 5th. Join your fellow Avery Place residents for some summertime fun!

Check back again soon for even more great posting ideas that you can incorporate into your social media marketing plan.

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