What NOT to Post on Social Media - Respage

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What NOT to Post on Social Media

Sure, most of us have at least a general idea of what to share with our Facebook fans and Twitter followers, but have you given any thought to what you should NOT share with them?

This topic was recently brought to light thanks to an Arizona restaurant’s epic Facebook meltdown after being featured on Gordon Ramsey’s hit show, Kitchen Nightmares. After receiving heat from Ramsey about their business practices, the owners took to Facebook, criticizing not only the show, but also customers who gave unfavorable reviews on Yelp, Facebook, and other sites.

What’s the lesson here? It’s great to share your company’s personality on Facebook and other social sites, but a line needs to be drawn. Addressing customer criticism in a constructive way is great, but if you or your company is taking to social media to lash out against critics, it will only end up hurting you in the long run.

Need help managing your social reputation?

Respage, our proprietary platform, enables apartment communities and property managers to manage their social media presence and online reputation at every level. Through Respage, we offer corporate logins, regional logins, and property logins so that every member of your team can access the properties’ accounts and social media reports. Plus, our team is always there, behind the scenes, to help your company put the best practices into play so that you’re always putting your best foot forward…instead of putting your foot in your mouth. For more information, contact us.

To read snippets of the Facebook meltdown, click here.

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