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Is Responsive Content Marketing the Next Big Thing in SEO?

In a recent Search Engine Watch article, author Gerald Murphy predicted the rise of “responsive content marketing,” claiming it to be the next logical step in the Internet’s mobile evolution. This projected step could create a ton of work for apartment marketers, web developers, and writers if it ever comes to fruition, certainly causing a lot of headaches in the process. But before we examine how responsive content marketingRead more

Don’t Ditch Your Blog! Consider These 3 Questions Before Scrapping Your Community’s Most Important Marketing Asset

With all of the emphasis that today’s marketers place on social media, search engine optimization, and content marketing, it’s easy to understand why some apartment communities are reluctant to embrace blogging. But while this early Web 2.0 term may seem antiquated in 2015, the practice of blogging is actually more important than ever. In fact, it’s not a stretch to say that a company’s blog is the backbone toRead more

Changes to Google’s Local Pack Will Increase Competition among Apartment Communities

They say that seven is a lucky number, but it seems as though Google doesn’t agree. Last month, the leader in search dropped the number of business listings in its "local pack" to three, when it had previously been set to seven. Google has also modified the information included in the local pack. Here’s a quick look at what else has changed: Phone Numbers Are No Longer Present LocalRead more

3 Easy Steps to Quickly Verify Your Apartment Community’s Google Listing

Registering your apartment community with Google is a great way to make your listing stand out in the Search Engine Results Pages. Unfortunately, many multifamily professionals have a hard time registering their communities because of snags in the verification process. That’s why we created the following guide to clearing common verification hurdles and securing your spot among Google’s local listings. Read on to discover how to verify your listingRead more

Google’s Newest Mobile Update Will Improve User Experience

Two weeks ago, Engage Interactive’s head of SEO Shree Vaidya discovered that Google had expanded sitelink listings in mobile search. The recent expansion has profound implications for apartment communities with search engine optimized websites, and may lead to a change in the way users navigate sites. Sitelinks are hyperlinks to website subpages that appear under certain Google listings in order to help users navigate the site. Google awards sitelinksRead more

Panda-Proof Your SEO Strategy with These 3 Tips

The newest update to Google’s search algorithm, Panda 4.2, slowly started making its way across the web less than three weeks ago. And while there’s no way of knowing what the final effects of Panda 4.2 will be until several months down the line, nerves are high as search engine marketers in every niche and industry report a rollercoaster of ranking results that seem to fluctuate daily. Google hasRead more

3 Major SEO Factors Every Property Manager Should Consider in 2015

Every property management company that’s looking to up their search game would do well to read Searchmetrics’ fourth annual Google ranking factors study. But to help those who don’t have the time to comb through Searchmetrics’ massive amount of data, we assembled the following three need-to-know takeaways. Check out these bite-sized paragraphs to quickly review highlights of the study’s most important discoveries. #1 – Technical SEO Still Matters TechnicalRead more

Did You Notice Google’s Latest ‘Phantom 2’ Update?

Google's "mobilegeddon" algorithm update was rare in the sense that it made national news. It was covered by outlets like NPR and USA Today in stories touting the possibility that sites which weren't "mobile-friendly" would see their search engine results positions fall. But "mobilegeddon" wasn't really rare: despite the coverage, it was just the latest of a number of algorithm updates Google's constantly making to improve the usefulness ofRead more

Google Will Rebrand Webmaster Tools in Coming Weeks

Google will be rebranding its Webmaster Tools suite as Google Search Console in the coming weeks, according to a blog post published by the search engine giant on Wednesday. A simple name change, the rebrand will not affect any of the features or functionality of the original platform. Webmaster Tools is a free website insight suite that was first made available almost a decade ago. Since its release, webmastersRead more

4 Facts That Prove Social Media Boosts Your SEO Efforts

While some people place SEO and social media in two separate categories, we believe that online marketing does not exist in a vacuum. Leveraging social channels, and the information they possess, can work wonders for every online marketing campaign. To prove it, here are four ways that social media promotes and collaborates with your SEO goals. Social Sites Build a Search Presence for Branded Searches Branded searches don’t receiveRead more

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