3 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes that Will Cost Your Community New Sales Leads - Respage

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3 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes that Will Cost Your Community New Sales Leads

Despite the popularity of Search Engine Optimization in today's marketing circles, there are still plenty of businesses that aren't doing all they can to run effective SEO campaigns. To make sure you get the most out of your digital marketing efforts, we've highlighted three of the most common mistakes you can make when marketing your apartment community online.

Mistake #1: You're Not Optimizing Your Pages

Failing to properly label each page of your site will limit the amount of traffic it receives from search engines. For this reason, you need to make sure that you leave no stone unturned when it comes to your site's Title elements.

Located within the Head element of your site's HTML, Title elements provide search engines with a general idea of what each specific page is about. Webmasters are encouraged to make unique Title elements for each page, and it's highly recommended that these Title elements include a few keywords that are relevant for their respective pages.

Changing Title elements can be accomplished by directly altering your site's HTML via the C-Panel, but it's far more common for webmasters to do so through Content Management System features or plugins. The Yoast SEO plugin, for example, allows WordPress users to easily craft new Title elements for every post or page they edit or create.

Mistake #2: You're Not Creating Content

Developing a content strategy is critical when you're attempting to increase your search engine rankings. However, simply creating content for the sake of having content isn't enough. Your content strategy needs to provide real value to real people, rather than just search engine robots.

Creating winning content strategies for apartment communities is all about answering questions that your potential renters might have about your community or the neighborhood in which it is located. It's best to answer these questions while simultaneously highlighting how a particular amenity of your apartment community compliments the matter at hand.

For example, if your research discovers that the phrase "Moving to Philadelphia with pets" is a popular search query, you may consider writing an article about pet-friendly amenities in the Philadelphia area, while also mentioning the fact that your apartment community welcomes pets.

Mistake #3: You're Not Promoting Your Own Content

Search engines aren't the only way people find apartments online. Social channels play a large role in discovery, as well.

Promoting your content through social media is a great strategy because the people who will most likely see it first (your current residents) probably have friends in your key demographic market. For example, if your community is located near a college and you mainly rent to students, consider writing several pieces of content about off-campus living, because this will resonate strongly with your current renters. Those renters may then share that content with friends, many of whom also fit your ideal marketing demographic.

The Solution

These common mistakes can cost you valuable opportunities when it comes to lowering your overall vacancy. However, taking the initiative to fix on page errors, create valuable content, and promote your apartment community through social media will turn things around in no time. And in the event you don't feel confident in your ability to handle all of these strategies alone, our newest online marketing services for apartment communities make it easy to get things done, even on a limited budget.

Photo by FirmBee via Pixabay | CC0 Public Domain

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