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5 Simple Blog Post Ideas That Will Boost Your Apartment’s SEO While Also Helping Your Residents

Publishing fun and informative blog posts on your apartment’s website isn’t just a good way to communicate with your residents. It’s also a very effective way to boost your site’s search engine rankings. Digital marketers attribute the relationship between quality blog posts and higher search engine rankings to backlinks. Google uses these backlinks to estimate the authority of a certain page. The more backlinks a web page receives fromRead more

3 Signs That Your Apartment Community’s SEO and Content Marketing Strategies Are Working

Judging the effectiveness of your SEO and content marketing efforts is tough. Monthly reports often leave apartment marketers with a lot of different statistics to ponder, and the sheer amount of this data can sometimes make it difficult to interpret campaign performance. To make things easier, we’re taking a look at three fundamental pillars of a solid SEO campaign and explaining how each pillar influences the next. If youRead more

3 Common Google My Business Mistakes That Will Damage Your Apartment Community’s SEO

Photo Credit: Public Domain Last week, the Seattle-based SEO research company Moz released the results of its 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors survey. While the full survey examines a number of factors that Google’s algorithm may take into account when calculating rankings, the purpose of this article is to examine how a simple mistake within your Google My Business setup can damage your apartment community’s position in the searchRead more

3 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes that Will Cost Your Community New Sales Leads

Despite the popularity of Search Engine Optimization in today's marketing circles, there are still plenty of businesses that aren't doing all they can to run effective SEO campaigns. To make sure you get the most out of your digital marketing efforts, we've highlighted three of the most common mistakes you can make when marketing your apartment community online. Mistake #1: You're Not Optimizing Your Pages Failing to properly labelRead more

SEO is for Humans, Not Robots

A long time ago, 'technical SEO' was everything. Meta keywords, meta descriptions, sitemaps, and directory submissions defined the search-friendly. No more. Today, Google wants users to find what they're looking for, and the technical side of things simply aids in that. What does this mean for your business's SEO strategy? Here's how it breaks down: Intent over Keywords Traditionally, SEO has been about understanding what keywords to rank for.Read more

Google’s Search Results Redesign: What Does It Mean for Your Business?

We've all seen it: Google is changing how they display search results. The moves are subtle, but they my have a big impact on organic and paid search campaigns. What's changed? For starters, font size is larger and titles are no longer underlined. A big yellow "Ad" label has replaced the traditional box around paid ads. There are many smaller changes — click here for the full list. HowRead more

The Penguin, the Panda, & the Hummingbird: What Do They Mean for SEO?

2013 saw big changes in Google algorithms. Here's a quick primer on what they mean for your SEO strategy. Google Panda Launched in 2011, Google Panda is a reasonable bear, rewarding authentic sites and punishing low-quality ones. What's that mean? Lots of paid links, ads, and robotic content will push you down in search rankings. Want to please Panda? Have lots of clear, helpful, original content. Google Penguin TooRead more

The Wild West of SEO: The Title Tag Showdown

SEO is like the Wild West: it's lawless out there. The landscape is full of gunslingers, and you need a partner who has your back. One of the biggest recent SEO showdowns concerns title tag length. A certain professional suggests rewriting all title tag lengths over 70 characters; his site study showed an error for every page that exceeded this limit. Seems straightforward, right? But before you edit yourRead more

What Brings People to Your Website? Google Analytics Won’t Say

Maybe you're the leading wombat breeder in Milwaukee. No? Use your imagination. Regardless of your business, it helps to know what brings people to your website. Do people type "Milwaukee wombats" into Google? "Pets on Dearborn Street"? Google Analytics used to tell you what works best, but that's changed. You still get visitor numbers, but you won't know what they typed. Since most traffic comes from "long tail" searchesRead more

Tracking Phone Numbers & SEO: Think Twice

Google, listing sites, business directories—there are lots of ways for prospective residents to find you online. Some top property management marketers purchase tracking phone numbers in order to see where exactly their web leads come from. Their main website lists one number, while their Facebook page lists another, their Google+ Local page yet another, and so on. While it’s important to track your leads, multiple tracking numbers are aRead more

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