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5 Simple Blog Post Ideas That Will Boost Your Apartment’s SEO While Also Helping Your Residents

Publishing fun and informative blog posts on your apartment’s website isn’t just a good way to communicate with your residents. It’s also a very effective way to boost your site’s search engine rankings. Digital marketers attribute the relationship between quality blog posts and higher search engine rankings to backlinks. Google uses these backlinks to estimate the authority of a certain page. The more backlinks a web page receives fromRead more

Is Responsive Content Marketing the Next Big Thing in SEO?

In a recent Search Engine Watch article, author Gerald Murphy predicted the rise of “responsive content marketing,” claiming it to be the next logical step in the Internet’s mobile evolution. This projected step could create a ton of work for apartment marketers, web developers, and writers if it ever comes to fruition, certainly causing a lot of headaches in the process. But before we examine how responsive content marketingRead more

3 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes that Will Cost Your Community New Sales Leads

Despite the popularity of Search Engine Optimization in today's marketing circles, there are still plenty of businesses that aren't doing all they can to run effective SEO campaigns. To make sure you get the most out of your digital marketing efforts, we've highlighted three of the most common mistakes you can make when marketing your apartment community online. Mistake #1: You're Not Optimizing Your Pages Failing to properly labelRead more

Saying Goodbye to 2014: A Recap of Last Year’s SEO Changes

Dynamic and always in flux, the SEO industry is one that is rife with change year to year. And 2014 was no different. Provided below are some of the biggest changes that hit the industry since last January. Cutts Cuts Out Show us a search marketer who doesn’t like Matt Cutts and we’ll show you a bad search marketer. As the head of Google’s Web Spam team, Cutts isRead more

Top 3 Local Optimization Tips for Multifamily Apartment Marketing in 2015

Optimizing apartment sites for local search should be a huge priority for property managers in 2015. Unfortunately, due to lack of marketing staff and technical resources, many communities are falling behind. The following tips cover the top 3 priorities for local business optimization in the New Year, along with explanations on how to initiate them. Tip 1: Render Your NAP Info in HTML The acronym “NAP” is simply webmasterRead more

Respage Introduces SEO and SEM Solutions for the Multifamily Industry

Looking for a more effective way to harness the power of the Internet? Respage now offers Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) specifically designed for the multifamily industry. Click here for more details.

Respage Now Offers SEO Services Developed Especially for the Multifamily Industry

Respage is now offering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as part of its suite of offerings. SEO is a process that helps your property management website appear in the search engine results. An effective multifamily SEO campaign includes making changes to and adding content to your apartment community website (on-page SEO), as well as generating links from other sites to yours (off-page). Respage SEO service provides the ongoing, monthly attentionRead more

5 Things You Need to Know About SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a buzz term that floats around a lot. But, it’s not always clear which actions benefit your SEO ranking, which are outdated, and which ones are just a waste of time. If you’re looking to drive more traffic to your website, here are five things to keep in mind before you begin your SEO campaign. Content Is King. Search engines like fresh, relevant content.Read more

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