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Don’t Ditch Your Blog! Consider These 3 Questions Before Scrapping Your Community’s Most Important Marketing Asset

With all of the emphasis that today’s marketers place on social media, search engine optimization, and content marketing, it’s easy to understand why some apartment communities are reluctant to embrace blogging. But while this early Web 2.0 term may seem antiquated in 2015, the practice of blogging is actually more important than ever. In fact, it’s not a stretch to say that a company’s blog is the backbone toRead more

Why Is Social Media Important for Apartment Marketing?

Adding Likes and followers to your apartment community’s social networks is a great way to foster resident relationships and build community. As a bonus, the number of Likes and followers you have may lend an SEO advantage that boosts your website’s visibility in Google and other search engines. Here’s a brief look at the average number of Likes and followers that Respage communities claim, along with a few tipsRead more

Engage Your Community with Colorful New Social Media Posts from Respage

Social Media is arguably one of the most important marketing tools in online advertising, with nearly 92 percent of marketers attributing the success of their campaigns to social strategies in 2014. Despite obvious benefits, however, many apartment management companies are reluctant to include social media strategies in their marketing plans. Whether due to a lack of resources or fear of a brand-tarnishing post, these companies have refrained from usingRead more

3 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes that Will Cost Your Community New Sales Leads

Despite the popularity of Search Engine Optimization in today's marketing circles, there are still plenty of businesses that aren't doing all they can to run effective SEO campaigns. To make sure you get the most out of your digital marketing efforts, we've highlighted three of the most common mistakes you can make when marketing your apartment community online. Mistake #1: You're Not Optimizing Your Pages Failing to properly labelRead more

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