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Facebook’s Recent News Feed Update and What it Means for Multifamily

Facebook plans to radically change what appears in users’ news feeds, and the update could impact multifamily social media strategies. To bring you up to speed on the crucial details, we put together the following summary of what’s happening, why Facebook plans the changes, and - most importantly - how the updates could affect social media for apartment communities. What’s Happening?   Last week Mark Zuckerberg shocked Silicon ValleyRead more

How Facebook’s Newest “Engagement-Bait” Penalty Impacts Apartment Social Media Strategies

Facebook plans an algorithm change that could negatively impact apartment social media strategies, according to a Monday announcement posted to the company’s Newsroom blog. The update aims to penalize what it calls “engagement bait,” a practice commonly used to game the current News Feed algorithm.   The following paragraphs highlight the summary of the change, why it’s necessary, and what actions Respage users and other multifamily marketers can takeRead more

Will the New “Mid Roll” Facebook Ads Create More Opportunities for Multifamily Marketers?

On Monday Facebook announced its plans to launch a new video advertising feature, according to Techcrunch. The new feature will allow advertisers to run video ads “mid roll,” which will presumably lead to increased engagement for advertisers and higher revenue for publishers. Mid roll ads will only be available on videos that run for 90 seconds or longer. The Techcrunch story also noted the ads will appear at leastRead more

Content Discovery Engine Screenshot

The Respage Content Discovery Engine: What It Is, How It Works, and Why You Need It

Today, Respage is proud to announce the launch of our proprietary Content Discovery Engine, a game-changing tool that makes it even easier for apartment marketers to find, share, and monitor content across their favorite social media platforms. The Respage team has quietly been working on this project for nearly a year, and we’re happy to report that it’s more than we ever expected it to be. While the CDERead more


A Quick Look at How Apartment Marketers Can Beat Ad Blocking Software

People hate ads and it’s all our fault. Need proof? Check out this article from Search Engine Watch. In it, author Leonie Mercedes reveals some pretty scary statistics regarding the rise of ad blockers. For example, AdBlock Plus – which is just one of many ad blockers out there – registered 100 million active users in 2016. That’s 100 million devices that marketers can no longer serve ads to.Read more

Why Is Social Media Important for Apartment Marketing?

Adding Likes and followers to your apartment community’s social networks is a great way to foster resident relationships and build community. As a bonus, the number of Likes and followers you have may lend an SEO advantage that boosts your website’s visibility in Google and other search engines. Here’s a brief look at the average number of Likes and followers that Respage communities claim, along with a few tipsRead more

Engage Your Community with Colorful New Social Media Posts from Respage

Social Media is arguably one of the most important marketing tools in online advertising, with nearly 92 percent of marketers attributing the success of their campaigns to social strategies in 2014. Despite obvious benefits, however, many apartment management companies are reluctant to include social media strategies in their marketing plans. Whether due to a lack of resources or fear of a brand-tarnishing post, these companies have refrained from usingRead more

4 Facts That Prove Social Media Boosts Your SEO Efforts

While some people place SEO and social media in two separate categories, we believe that online marketing does not exist in a vacuum. Leveraging social channels, and the information they possess, can work wonders for every online marketing campaign. To prove it, here are four ways that social media promotes and collaborates with your SEO goals. Social Sites Build a Search Presence for Branded Searches Branded searches don’t receiveRead more

Customer Service Gets Social: Case Study of Accor Hotels’ Pilot Loyalty Program

Recently, Accor Hotels implemented a pilot loyalty program in Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C. at its Sofitel and Novotel properties that uses social media to learn more about customers. Employees at those hotels used Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms to research the profiles of loyalty program members who would soon be staying with them. They then chose a gift based upon their interests, whichRead more

Respage: The Conversation Starter

Social media pages should be your community's 'town square,' a place for neighbors to gather, share, laugh and catch up on the latest news. Respage makes it easier with our new Chit Chat feature, brief posts designed to start conversations and help people make friends. They might invite the audience to share a personal story, answer a riddle, or chime in with local knowledge. The possibilities are endless, andRead more

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