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Multifamily marketing tips, tools, resources, cat gifs and so much more. Created by our team, for yours.

Your Residents Aren’t the Only Ones Talking About Your Community — Leveraging Non-Residents’ Posts for Your Apartment Social Media Strategy

Your residents don’t exist within a vacuum: while they’re the ones actually living in and experiencing your community every day, their family members and friends also get an up-close-and-personal experience with the community. While you’re paying close attention to the things your residents say (and post) about your community, you may be missing out on a large number of other opinions that are out there online. So, how doRead more

Auto-Scheduling Is (Finally) Coming to Instagram Business

Late Wednesday, Facebook announced via Instagram’s Business Blog that it plans to enable post scheduling through the Instagram Graph API - allowing all business profiles to schedule their posts to publish at certain times. The update will eliminate the current roundabout process, which requires user to schedule posts via the dashboard, wait for a push notification approval, and then publish posts manually via mobile. Instagram says the API changeRead more

Facebook’s Recent News Feed Update and What it Means for Multifamily

Facebook plans to radically change what appears in users’ news feeds, and the update could impact multifamily social media strategies. To bring you up to speed on the crucial details, we put together the following summary of what’s happening, why Facebook plans the changes, and - most importantly - how the updates could affect social media for apartment communities. What’s Happening?   Last week Mark Zuckerberg shocked Silicon ValleyRead more

How Facebook’s Newest “Engagement-Bait” Penalty Impacts Apartment Social Media Strategies

Facebook plans an algorithm change that could negatively impact apartment social media strategies, according to a Monday announcement posted to the company’s Newsroom blog. The update aims to penalize what it calls “engagement bait,” a practice commonly used to game the current News Feed algorithm.   The following paragraphs highlight the summary of the change, why it’s necessary, and what actions Respage users and other multifamily marketers can takeRead more

Facebook Is Placing Major Bets On Chatbot Technology And Multifamily Should Pay Close Attention!

Facebook recently extended its “Click to Messenger” button to Instagram, further signaling the social network’s push towards a universal use of its Messenger app. The move coincides with an industry trend that shows social users increasingly prefer personalized experiences over standard, static pages, and suggests that Facebook foresees a future where online experiences heavily rely on chatbot technology. But before we get into why that is and how multifamilyRead more

The Respage Chatbot: What Is It and Why Do Multifamily Marketers Need It?

Early last week, we officially announced our new Respage Chatbot offering. Fans of our products and services met this announcement with loads of excitement, but they also had loads of questions. This post aims to clear the whats, whys, and whens:    What is Chatbot? The Respage Chatbot is an artificially intelligent leasing agent. We’ve programmed it to answer all of the most common questions leasing agents receive fromRead more

Respage Launches Digital Marketing Solutions for Senior Living Communities

Starting in April, Respage will extend its line of multifamily marketing products and services to the senior living sector. Property management companies that cater to senior living communities will have access to all the products and services current Respage clients love, including: Reputation management tools that alert property management companies and/or on-site staff to newly published reviews and other reputation threats, as well as a review response service thatRead more

The Power of Words

Content can be market-researched, SEO-tested, long, short, plain, technical, generic or specific. But it has to be clear and compelling. It has to be good. Yes, images are helpful, keywords matter and you should always know how to get the most from search engine algorithms. But content makes the reader keep reading. It turns clicks into calls and calls into visits. Respage's team of writers and editors are aRead more

Survey: How Do You Manage Your Online Reputation?

It seems like new ratings and reviews sites pop up almost every month, in addition to industry standards like and Yelp.  With all the potential locations for reviews of your apartment community, we want to know how you manage your reputation online. We've tried to keep it as short as possible, and as usual, survey participants get the results for free!   (If you are not a property management companyRead more

Respage Express Reputation Monitoring

Resident reviews are vital to your community’s marketing. When people can’t decide where to move, Yelp or often make the difference. Respage Express makes it easy to monitor your online reputation. A single screen shows your community’s most recent Yelp and scores, as well as your averages on both sites. It also compares these numbers to your competitors, giving you a clear picture of what residents areRead more

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