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5 Things Every Apartment Marketer Should Know About AMP

If you spend any time during the day perusing online marketing news, you’ve probably heard of AMP. The word has been thrown around a lot lately, particularly by Google and SEO professionals. But what is AMP, exactly? And why does it matter? To answer these questions and more, we’ve put together the following list of 5 things every apartment marketer must know about AMP. What is AMP? AMP standsRead more


Should Apartment Marketers Worry About Google’s Widget Link Announcement?

Thursday morning, Google issued a stern warning against the use of keyword anchor text in  widget links. The announcement serves as a reminder to marketers far and wide that using tactics which violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines will ultimately result in penalties and lower search rankings. Google has long maintained that it does not tolerate links that try to manipulate a site’s PageRank. Any link that was not editorially addedRead more

Common On-Site Promotions Will Soon Hurt Your Apartment’s SEO Goals

Google will soon punish websites that feature intrusive intersitionals, according to an announcement published on the company’s official webmaster blog last week. The update – which will go into effect on January 10, 2017 – aims to improve the user experience of mobile search. But for the ill-prepared apartment SEO manager, it may also result in lower search rankings. In online marketing, an intersitional page is defined as aRead more

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