Craigslist is a free advertising platform that puts your available apartments in front of potential renters at the time that they're looking for their new home, and the multifamily industry is using it more than ever before. Successful Craigslist posts are easier than you might think. Follow these simple tips to create an effective Craigslist marketing campaign, and check back next month for even more helpful tips.
Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is paid Search Engine Marketing (SEM) that helps your apartment community or property management website appear in search engine results instantly. This form of advertising is “Pay for Performance”, meaning you only pay when your ad is actually clicked on. Plus, PPC advertising is very flexible, and gives you complete control over your budget and how much you pay per click. You can changeRead more
Respage is now offering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as part of its suite of offerings. SEO is a process that helps your property management website appear in the search engine results. An effective multifamily SEO campaign includes making changes to and adding content to your apartment community website (on-page SEO), as well as generating links from other sites to yours (off-page). Respage SEO service provides the ongoing, monthly attentionRead more
A recent study done by The Economist Intelligence Unit and Lyris found that email still has more leverage in the purchasing process than social media or blogs. The report found that there is a disconnect between what marketers think customers want and what customers actually cite as having the most sway in the buying process. While customers like social media for promotional purposes, they strongly preferred to learn aboutRead more