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Apartment Reputation Management is Alive and Well: Getting the Most Out of Review Sites in Late 2017

Online reputation management certainly isn’t the newest or sleekest thing in apartment marketing. If you’re like most multifamily professionals, online reviews have played a role in your branding strategy for quite some time. But age is no indicator of strength. We should never doubt the power of a strategy simply because it’s no longer new or exciting. Furthermore, we should never assume that what worked in the past willRead more

How Yelp and Other Review Sites Can Boost a Senior Living Community’s Online Reputation

What takes years to build and seconds to destroy? The answer is your reputation. Most people begin their search for a senior living community on the internet, so it’s more important than ever to make sure your online reputation is a good one. But as a result of online reviews and other information that’s easily available with a few clicks of a mouse, you no longer have complete controlRead more


5 Review Sources Every Senior Living Reputation Manager Should Track

A few years back, any mention of senior living online reputation management would be met with a chuckle. The senior living audience isn’t online, right? Why dedicate any resources to addressing senior living reviews that no prospect will ever read? My, how times have changed. Today’s senior living marketers don’t just know that their prospects are online. They also know online reviews heavily influence the decisions made by theirRead more

3 High-Performing Apartment Marketing Strategies to Embrace in 2017

The New Year has arrived. And with it, a new set of apartment marketing challenges to face and overcome. For regional managers and people on the front lines of apartment marketing, these challenges mostly revolve around advertising costs and their respective ROIs. But with so many different apartment marketing strategies available, the first challenge is determining which ideas are worth the time. So with that in mind, we putRead more


Apartment Reputation Management Just Got Tougher Thanks to New Google Local Knowledge Panel

Your apartment’s online reputation is about to become more visible. This morning, Google introduced Reviews from the web to Local Knowledge panels. The new format will accompany the recently launched best-of lists and critic reviews features. Prior to the update, Local Knowledge panels only displayed Google Reviews. Today, search queries will also return aggregate user ratings from up to three review sites. It appears that Local Knowledge panels willRead more

Tituss Burgess Just Taught the World a Valuable Lesson in Online Reputation Management

A Brooklyn-based moving company received a brutal schooling in online reputation management yesterday after a fallout with Emmy-nominated actor Tituss Burgess. The actor, who is most known for his role on the Netlix original comedy Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, posted the following Yelp review for Frank’s Express, a local moving company, late Wednesday: “My name is Tituss Burgess. Im an Emmy Nominated Actor for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt currently streaming onRead more

Ask and You Shall Receive: How Grubb Properties Dramatically Improved Their Online Reputation in Just 1 Month for FREE

Few apartment marketers would question the benefits of having a positive online reputation in 2016. Study after study confirms that review websites play a critical role in the online decision making process, and negative online reputations can inflict some serious damage on those who do not act fast. But this isn’t another article about why you need online reputation management for apartment communities. Rather, it’s about how you canRead more Reviews Can Now Be Managed via the Respage Dashboard

Reviews posted to, the largest Internet Listing Service in the country, can now be monitored and managed via the Respage Dashboard. Launched in February, the new partnership makes it easier for property management firms to control the online reputations of their apartment communities. Respage’s proprietary dashboard currently allows its users to monitor their online reputations across a number of popular social networks and websites, including Facebook, Yelp, andRead more

The 6 Most Influential Review Sites for Apartment ORM

Online reviews matter. This blog has previously uncovered some daunting facts about review influence, such as the fact that 92 percent of consumers read online reviews, and that only 13 percent of consumers will consider using a product or service that has a one or two star rating. However, it should be noted that not all review sites are treated equally. Here’s a look at which review sites areRead more

7 Mind-Blowing Facts about Online Reviews that Everyone in the Multifamily Industry Should Know

Earlier this week, Respage CEO Jackie Koehler received an email from Myles Anderson, the CEO of UK-based BrightLocal. Myles and his team previously provided us with incredibly informative statistics regarding the role that review sites play in customer acquisition, so we were extremely excited to learn that BrightLocal had recently published the results of their 2015 Local Consumer Review Survey. While the following facts are sourced from a surveyRead more

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