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These 3 Facts Explain Why Successful Apartment Marketers Love Paid Social Ads

In order to maintain your title as a successful apartment marketer, you need to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest techniques and strategies for advertising your properties. With that in mind, we put together three facts that explain why paid social ads on Facebook and Instagram are becoming the go-to method for multifamily marketing professionals across the country. If paid social ads aren’t partRead more

The Numbers Are In: How Facebook and Instagram Advertising Changes the Game for Apartment Marketers

Advertising on social media is all the rage these days. In fact, it was the most talked about apartment marketing strategy at the AIM conference last week. To help multifamily professionals gain a better understanding of this marketing medium, and why it’s building so much buzz, we highlighted some impressive statistics discovered in a small sample of our Paid Social Advertising clients. Take a look at the infographic aboveRead more

Respage Now Offers Paid Social Advertising Services for the Multifamily Industry

Respage now offers paid social media advertising services for Facebook and Instagram to help you land more renters. How do these paid ad services differ from our standard social media management services? Why should your apartment community consider paid social ads? Here’s a look at what this new Respage service entails and how apartment marketers can use it to fill the gaps in their current social media campaigns. TheRead more

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