Reputation Management - Why It Matters - Respage

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Reputation Management – Why It Matters

Your apartment community received a bad review online. Now what do you do?

In an increasingly connected world, ignoring that bad review is not an option. According to a recent study, almost 70 percent of prospective residents look at ratings and reviews while searching for an apartment. The same study found that a similar percentage of those searching for apartments expected communities to respond to these reviews. So while it can be tempting to ignore negative critiques, it's crucial to post a response.

Sure, it might be too late to help the person leaving the review. But it's never too late to defend your property. By entering a response, you're showing residents and prospective residents that you care about their concerns and you're doing all you can to resolve unpleasant situations.

Unfortunately, your first instinct when responding to unfavorable reviews may be to become defensive, especially since reviews will occasionally get personal. Make no mistake that this can backfire. And while it is necessary to respond to these reviews, you want to make sure you do so in a calm, professional manner.

This is where Respage comes in. Respage offers Reputation Management services that monitor your review sites, provide detailed reporting, and create responses to both positive and negative reviews for you! We know it can be difficult to find the time and right words to say. And our public relations professionals remove all the pressure from responding by entering unique, hand crafted replies to reviews made on popular review sites like Yelp, Google + Local, Apartment Guide and more.

For more information on our Reputation Management service, click here or contact your Respage Representative.

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