How Apartment Management Companies Can Take Advantage of Facebook's Newest Feature - Respage

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How Apartment Management Companies Can Take Advantage of Facebook’s Newest Feature

Photo Credit: Facebook F8 Conference- Newsfeed QA team survey by Ian Kennedy | CC BY-SA 2.0

Social media cemented its status as a reliable source for news several years ago. But as the technology further develops, and more and more people join social networks, it appears as though social media websites will become the future of news delivery. Facebook’s most recently added feature serves as further proof that we’re heading in that direction.

A few weeks back, Facebook launched its Instant Article feature, which allows publishers and brands to post comprehensive and interactive content to user news feeds. The Instant Article feature differs from previous sponsored content displays because the news feed viewing windows are much larger, allowing users to read an entire article in Facebook without connecting to a third-party site.

Useful for both media publishers and brands pushing content marketing material, Instant Article’s native display within Facebook makes content more shareable than ever. Previously, if a user wanted to share something he or she found on a third party site, he or she would have to sign into Facebook through said site (if visiting for the first time). Although a relatively simple process, this added step is often considered a waste of time by today’s mobile users, many of whom would forego sharing the content altogether rather than signing in to do so. Instant Article solves this problem by adding an article window directly into the Facebook news feeds, effectively bypassing the process and making articles easier to share.

How to Use Instant Article for Your Multifamily Online Marketing Strategy

In terms of likes and shares on social media, timely content tends to do extremely well. It’s for this reason we recommend that apartment communities monitor local events in their respective areas. Is there a popular band playing at a nearby venue? Is the annual art show next Saturday? Conduct a bit of research about your local events, write a brief summary about each, publish your coverage to your blog, and then promote that blog through social media. If your content is useful and engaging, you’re bound to have few people share it.

If Instant Articles sounds like a nice vehicle for your next online marketing initiative, but you don’t have the time or resources to wage a campaign alone, consider enlisting the help of Respage. Our newest approach to social media and content marketing for apartment communities is perfectly designed for this kind of social push. To learn more about what Respage can do for you, contact one of our representatives today!

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