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Your Apartment Marketing Strategy is About to Get Clobbered by #Friendmaggedon

In case you missed it, Facebook announced some drastic changes yesterday. These changes will prioritize your friends’ posts, images, and videos so that they appear higher up on your newsfeed, where you are more likely to see them. And while that’s all well and good for you as a user, it could cause some problems for you as an apartment marketer. You can’t prioritize one thing without letting something elseRead more

Having Trouble Verifying Your Facebook Page? Here’s a Quick How-To Guide!

“How do I verify my Facebook page?” It’s a question we’ve been hearing ever since Facebook announced the newest verification process last month. And since we’ve previously explained how apartment communities can verify their Google listing, it’s only fair that we do a follow up for Facebook. Here’s a look at two different ways to validate your account. Verifying Your Apartment’s Facebook Page Verifying your apartment community’s Facebook pageRead more

How Apartment Management Companies Can Take Advantage of Facebook’s Newest Feature

Photo Credit: Facebook F8 Conference- Newsfeed QA team survey by Ian Kennedy | CC BY-SA 2.0 Social media cemented its status as a reliable source for news several years ago. But as the technology further develops, and more and more people join social networks, it appears as though social media websites will become the future of news delivery. Facebook’s most recently added feature serves as further proof that we’reRead more

Does Facebook’s New “Add a Link” Button Make Sense?

Facebook began experimenting with a new button over the weekend that allows mobile users to easily add links to status updates without switching apps or using copy and paste. Although only available to a handful of select users at the moment, experts believe that the social media company intends to use this new function to steal traffic from Google search. But given what we know about content behavior andRead more

Facebook Call-To-Action Buttons Deliver 2.5X Higher Conversion Rates

Businesses can now add call-to-action buttons to their Facebook pages, according to a recent announcement from the social media giant. And if the results from initial test phases are any indication, these buttons will cause a significant leap in page conversions. The new CTA button appears to the left of the ‘like’ button and features seven distinct phrase options: Book Now, Contact Us, Use App, Play Game, Shop Now,Read more

Reviews Are Front and Center on Facebook’s Newly Launched Places Directory

Step aside, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Foursquare. Facebook has quietly rolled out a new feature, Facebook Places, with the goal of bringing together the best parts of all three services — information on your friends' activities, reviews, and geolocation data — all in one. Using the search bar on the landing page of Facebook Places, type in the name of a city. It will display six categories, Restaurants, Hotels, Bars,Read more

Facebook Updates News Feed Settings

Want to streamline your Facebook News Feed? The social network recently announced some new features intended to give users a bit more control over the platform's most popular feature. Facebook's News Feed gathers updates from people you've friended and Pages you've followed, arranged by Facebook's algorithms. Last Friday, CNN reported that Facebook had begun rolling out some new News Feed features to make it easier for users to ignoreRead more

Facebook Launches New Ad Network, Atlas. So What’s All the Fuss About?

In case you missed it, Facebook announced the launch of Atlas, the social media site's new and improved targeted ad network, late last month. According to the Atlas website, this new network represents an industry push toward "people-based marketing"; that is, target marketing that tracks a person's activity across mobile phones and tablets—not just desktop computers. So what's all the fuss about? First off, Atlas doesn't rely on cookies,Read more

Facebook Ends “Like-Gating”

"Likes" have been an important currency on Facebook, a way for users to opt in to receiving updates and for marketers to estimate a page's reach. Over time, it became a common practice for pages to offer incentives for users to Like a page, such as contests, coupons, discounts, and deals. The practice even earned its own distinctive name: "Like-Gating." A recent post on Facebook's Developer's blog, however, markedRead more

Facebook Testing Statuses with Expiration Dates

When Facebook offered $3 billion to Snapchat's CEO Evan Spiegel to acquire the popular picture messaging app, Spiegel's flat "no" didn't deter the social media enterprise for very long. According to Philly.com, Facebook's engineers took matters into their own hands, creating a new Snapchat-like feature for their users' statuses that is now in the early stages of testing. Select Facebook users might notice that, when they go to postRead more

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