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Clean Up Your Facebook Newsfeed

Every Facebook newsfeed gets cluttered. Maybe it's Aunt Zelda's knitting pictures, or a professional association posting 'helpful' inspirational quotes. You want them in your friends list, but you can't deal with the content. There's now a tactful solution. Go to an offending post's drop down menu and click 'I Don't Want to See This.' That's it. The friend has been banished from your feed, but they're still a friend.Read more

Claim Your Custom URL on Google+

Google+ now offers custom URLs. If you've had a page (with profile picture) for at least 30 days and have at least 10 followers, a custom Google+ URL is probably available to you. Click here for more information.

Facebook Has a Long Memory

We've all thought twice before posting on Facebook. Maybe you're sick and tired of a competitor's behavior, or you want to tell Uncle Mike what you think of his politics. The comment is on the screen, ready to go, pithy, cutting, memorable… …and a bad idea. So you hold off, saving yourself the embarrassment. But Facebook remembers. The site collects data as you type, then analyzes users' 'self censoring'Read more

Social Media Passwords Leaked Online

Using the same password on multiple sites? Consider changing it. The BBC reports that more than over two million Facebook, Yahoo, and Google passwords have been leaked online. The information was probably obtained by hackers using keystroke logging malware. No one knows when the breach occurred, but experts point out that even old information is risky, as many people re-use passwords across multiple websites. We'll let you know ifRead more

Facebook’s New Insights Tool Provides Stronger Analytics

Have you seen Facebook’s new Insights tool? The upgraded analytics feature finally rolled out to all users in October. It’s a clear snapshot of the current week’s page activity compared to the previous week’s sample, including total likes, new likes, total page reach, and a breakdown of engaged users. You can also see the total number of likes for your posts, along with comments, shares, and clicks. If youRead more

Customize What You Share on Facebook

You make shoes. That good-looking actor from a hit TV show was pictured wearing a pair. Good for you, of course, and you want to show it off. But the article is called HIT TV SHOW RENEWED FOR 22ND SEASON, and the actor is pictured halfway down the page. So how do you get people to click? Facebook now lets you customize thumbnails and titles for articles you share.Read more

Google Wants You to Sell Socks

Or shoes. Or paint. Or nail clippers. From November 11, Google will include user photos next to product reviews. Did you give nail clippers one star on Google+? Love Kanye West on YouTube? Google now has the right to include your profile photo in search results. They’re betting that if Grandma is on the fence about buying that Kanye West record, a recommendation from your sweet face will countRead more

Pinterest Marketing Best Practices

Pinterest is still a relative newcomer to the social media big leagues, and many businesses aren't sure how to use the image-sharing service effectively. Here's a quick guide to Pinterest marketing. Create compelling content. Make your pins a creative and comprehensive introduction to your business. It could be an overview of your products, offices or employees; blog posts, charts, videos … whatever combination suits you best. Just mix themRead more

What NOT to Post on Social Media

Sure, most of us have at least a general idea of what to share with our Facebook fans and Twitter followers, but have you given any thought to what you should NOT share with them? This topic was recently brought to light thanks to an Arizona restaurant’s epic Facebook meltdown after being featured on Gordon Ramsey’s hit show, Kitchen Nightmares. After receiving heat from Ramsey about their business practices,Read more

Start a Movement: Use Facebook Profile Pictures to Incite Change & Spread the Word

Regardless of which side of the aisle you stand on, it’s hard not to notice the phenomenon that’s been sweeping across Facebook over the last few days. Supporters of gay marriage rights were asked to switch their Facebook profile picture to a red equal sign to represent their support, and it’s hard to deny the visual impact that this grassroots strategy has made. Taking cues from this movement, it’sRead more

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