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Quickly Improve Your Twitter Strategy With These 3 Powerful Tips

Mastering Twitter’s engagement value is a great way to spread awareness about your apartment community. But given the platform’s character count limits, finding the right balance between engagement and brevity presents a challenge. A few months back, Eric Enge and the team from conducted a comprehensive study to figure out how marketers can make the most of their tweets. Here’s a brief overview of what they found: ARead more

Who Controls Your Facebook Page?

Admin, Editor, Moderator . . . sound like the same thing to you? According to Facebook, not quite. People you designate as Admins, Editors, Moderators, Advertisers, and Analysts have different levels of access to your business pages. Some are individual while others overlap. This chart breaks it down for you. Admin is the highest level, able to do everything from manage page roles / settings to create ads andRead more

Google Will Reportedly ‘Carve Up’ Google+

Know a dedicated Google+ user? We don't either. According to TechCrunch, Google is prepared to 'carve up' the failed social network and may integrate its features into existing Google products. That means Google+ will no longer compete with Facebook, but you'll probably see features like photos and Hangouts pop up elsewhere. Most Google+ employees are being folded into the Android team, so look for increased capabilities there. Mandatory Google+Read more

New Twitter Profiles Are Here

Those new Twitter profiles we told you about? The ones that bear a striking resemblance to another social network? They're here. After months of testing and beta use by elite tweeters, the radical new look is now available to the masses. The changes include a larger font, bigger profile pictures and a wider cover image, as well as a new "pin" feature, enabling sticky tweets atop your page. It'sRead more

Facebook Is Watching You

Gone are the days when real-time tracking of another human being required an unmarked van, a satellite, and men in dark glasses. The launch of Facebook's "Nearby Friends" feature allows users to track their friends everywhere. The feature displays nearby friends on a map of the local area. It promises accuracy within half a mile and works quite well in spaces like airports and train stations, where Facebook encouragesRead more

About Those LinkedIn Changes…

Noticed any changes to LinkedIn? As of April 14 your Products and Services pages are gone, along with customer recommendations on them. Deep (direct) links to the pages no longer work. Replacing them are Company Updates and Showcase Pages. Company Updates allow you to post general daily updates, and Showcase Pages are devoted to specific products. Click here for a breakdown of the new features.

Facebook Business Pages Get New Look & Features

Facebook pages have made some important — if mostly cosmetic — changes in the past few weeks. Business pages have a new look. Facebook promises that the changes, which apply exclusively to desktop users, will make information easier to find and admins more efficient. An important new feature allows admins to break down contributions by author. Desktop colors, images, and control functions have also been streamlined to more closelyRead more

Hosting a Facebook Contest? Respage Can Help!

Facebook contests are one of the best ways to grow and engage your social media audience. They're governed by very specific rules, though. To save you the trouble of digging through Facebook's user guidelines, we've put together a brief summary of how we can help you run a Facebook contest. Check them out here, and let us know if you have any questions.

Surprises from the 2013 Pew Social Media Survey

Facebook is dead, Twitter is exploding, and Pinterest has a bright marketing future. This was conventional wisdom in the second half of 2013, but according to Pew's annual social media survey, it's not true. Facebook still dominates the pack, with more than triple the usage of its nearest competitor LinkedIn. More than 63% of users visit every day. Though younger users are discovering alternative platforms like Snapchat and Kik,Read more

Facebook’s ‘Get Notifications’ Feature

‘Liking’ doesn’t guarantee that Facebook followers will see all your posts. But don’t worry, there’s a way for your biggest fans to stay in extra close touch: the ‘Get Notifications’ feature. It ensures that every post you make appears in a user’s newsfeed and notifies them when your page is updated. But not all your followers want to to see every post, and many don’t want lots of notificationRead more

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