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Google: Duplicate Content is Not a Site Killer

A few years ago Google's answer to duplicate content was simple: don't do it. The site used to punish duplicate content by driving down SEO, but now that's not always the case. Google's current approach is more flexible and nuanced — duplicate content can even help you. Here are some examples. Many of us use free online press release services to generate inbound links. Websites subscribe to these newswires andRead more

How Can Blogging Benefit Your SEO Strategy?

Understanding search engines and how they rank information can be a bit tricky, especially when search engine algorithms are always changing. However, one surefire way to help improve your SEO without spending a ton of time and money is to create a blog and maintain it regularly. Not sure how this will help? Click here to learn more.

Why Search Engine Optimization is King

What's the best way to advertise on social media — Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Pay Per Click? According to a survey by Social Media Examiner, 65% of marketers choose SEO, making it the second most preferred strategy. Direct e-mail marketing was first at 87%, while PPC languished in sixth place at 38%. SEO scored highly because it's an organic approach. Instead of inducing consumers to click away fromRead more

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