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Google Places Padlock on Search Results with New Doorway Algorithm Update

As the rest of the SEO community continues to chat about Google’s forthcoming mobile-friendly algorithm update, we’d like to send out a friendly reminder that there’s more than one change on the horizon this April. Last month, the Google Webspam Team’s Brian White quietly released a statement regarding a new update that will hammer the final nails into doorway pages, effectively ending a process that has long plagued theRead more

New Study Reveals How SEO Dramatically Boosts Lead Generation and Conversion Rates

We all know organic search drives traffic and leads. But the results of a recent growth report have completely blown away expectations, including those set by the staunchest Search Engine Optimization advocates. According to an iProspect study of more than 50 brands and over 1.1 billion natural search visits, companies with active SEO campaigns witnessed organic site traffic grow 19.8 percent year-over-year in 2014. By comparison, paid search grewRead more

Google’s Newest Update Rewards Mobile-Friendly Sites

In an effort to continue delivering the most relevant search results in a landscape increasingly dominated by mobile devices, Google will start punishing websites that are not mobile-friendly by lowering their rankings within the search index. The new development is expected to become official next month. For search engine marketers, the new algorithm update is hardly a surprise. Google has hinted that they would eventually reward mobile-friendly experiences sinceRead more

Why Property Management Companies Should Embrace Google’s Newest Deal with Twitter

Several years back, it wasn't rare to find tweets in Google search results. Twitter and the search giant had arranged a deal so that Google could get lightning fast results from Twitter's data stream. In turn, Twitter received leads for users who previously didn't use the social platform. That is, however, until 2011, when the deal between the two companies expired. Fast forward four years and it looks likeRead more

Saying Goodbye to 2014: A Recap of Last Year’s SEO Changes

Dynamic and always in flux, the SEO industry is one that is rife with change year to year. And 2014 was no different. Provided below are some of the biggest changes that hit the industry since last January. Cutts Cuts Out Show us a search marketer who doesn’t like Matt Cutts and we’ll show you a bad search marketer. As the head of Google’s Web Spam team, Cutts isRead more

Top 3 Local Optimization Tips for Multifamily Apartment Marketing in 2015

Optimizing apartment sites for local search should be a huge priority for property managers in 2015. Unfortunately, due to lack of marketing staff and technical resources, many communities are falling behind. The following tips cover the top 3 priorities for local business optimization in the New Year, along with explanations on how to initiate them. Tip 1: Render Your NAP Info in HTML The acronym “NAP” is simply webmasterRead more

Google Updates Its Search Algorithm with Panda 4.1

Google's search algorithm is almost constantly changing. One of the search engine's most recent changes, termed Panda 4.1, went into effect at the end of September, announced on the Google+ page of Pierre Far, and shared by Matt Cutts, the Googler in charge of web quality, web spam, and search optimization. The original post notes that the update affected somewhere between 3% and 5% of search queries, often improvingRead more

Introducing Respage SEO Content Hub for Increased Search Engine Visibility

Respage is proud to announce the launch of their SEO Content Hub, a product designed to help those in the multifamily industry increase their web presence on search engines. Respage's innovative approach targets "purchase-stage" consumers that are more likely to convert, resulting in a higher return on investment (ROI). Click here to learn more about Respage's latest SEO product.

How to Get Your Content to Appear in Google’s ‘In-Depth Articles’ Feature

Perform any basic web search on Google, and underneath your search results, you'll be presented with a block of in-depth, long-form articles relating to your search query. Aptly named "In-Depth Articles," this relatively new feature from Google was launched in August 2013, and it aims to unearth quality content from around the web, whether it be sourced from the New York Times or the personal blog of your neighborRead more

Google Improves Its Secondary Search Box for Site-Specific Search Results

Google's Webmaster Central Blog recently announced that the search engine was enhancing its secondary search box for site-specific results. As the Webmaster blog explains, the "sitelinks search box" is meant to make it easier for users to find a specific page on an organization's website. For example, a search query for "youtube" returns a list of results as well as another search bar labeled "Search" with which usersRead more

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