Reputation Management Services Archives - Respage

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Ask and You Shall Receive: How Grubb Properties Dramatically Improved Their Online Reputation in Just 1 Month for FREE

Few apartment marketers would question the benefits of having a positive online reputation in 2016. Study after study confirms that review websites play a critical role in the online decision making process, and negative online reputations can inflict some serious damage on those who do not act fast. But this isn’t another article about why you need online reputation management for apartment communities. Rather, it’s about how you canRead more

One Critical Lesson Apartment Management Companies Should Learn from Cecil the Lion

Photo Credit: Earth-Touch Lion Botswana By Cojharries | CC BY-SA 3.0 The tragic slaying of Cecil the Lion dominated headlines this week as the Internet aimed its collective vitriol at Dr. Walter Palmer, the Minnesota dentist who paid $55,000 to hunt the rare, black-maned cat. Regardless of how you feel about the issue, the events that followed provide a valuable lesson in online reputation management and the role thatRead more

Why Do Clients Consider Respage as a Partner, Rather than a Vendor?

Our clients constantly say that they consider us to be a marketing partner rather than a marketing vendor. And as much as we hate to toot our own horn, we take great pride in this fact. But what is it, exactly, that makes Respage stand out among the rest? We sat down with a few members of our Client Services team to find out. First off, explains Level 1Read more

Monitor a Brilliant Instagram Presence with the Newest Respage Technology

Photo Credit: Instagram-logo by José Moutinho | CC BY 2.0 Property management companies can now leverage the influence of Instagram through Respage Express. The addition of the image-sharing platform represents yet another step in our commitment to bring clients the industry’s best online marketing tools. In a social media landscape that absolutely loves image-based posts, harnessing the power of Instagram correctly can make a world of difference in yourRead more

Simplify Your Online Reputation Management Strategy With Our Newest Integration

As part of our ongoing efforts to bring clients the best dashboard alert system in the industry, Respage now integrates with multifamily listing site Beginning January 30, 2015, this new feature is available free of charge to all Respage clients who have activated Ratings & Reviews on their listings. The newest addition joins the already extensive lineup of the Respage dashboard, which allows clients to track reviewsRead more

Google Trumpets Its American Heritage, Defies EU Ruling

Google thumbed its nose at Europe’s “Right to be Forgotten” laws in Lisbon on Tuesday, noting that it will not honor de-listing requests beyond country specific domains. The tech giant’s stance is considered an affront to privacy by some individuals, while others consider it a protection of free speech. Enforced by EU data privacy laws, “Right to be Forgotten” forces Google and other search engines to remove negative listingsRead more

Is Your Property Responding to Reviews on the Most Popular Apartment Review Sites?

Searching online apartment reviews is an important decision-making trigger for most potential renters. As a result, it's a good idea to create an account on the most popular apartment review sites so that you can manage and respond to any reviews that come in. Not sure where to start? Respage has compiled a list of the most popular apartment review sites with simple instructions on how to set-up aRead more

Google Helps Users Respond to Reviews through its Google My Business App

The Google My Business app was designed to make it easy for business owners to stay in touch with customers, directly from a smartphone. Available for Android and iOS, the app enables users to update business info across Google's suite of products. Google recently updated the app to give business owners the ability to see and respond to online reviews. The change was reported in a blog post onRead more

Put Online Interactions to Work for You With Respage’s Information-Packed Social Media Reports

Sites like Facebook, Google+, and Twitter allow you to connect and communicate with your residents in real time, but, perhaps more importantly, social media interactions—coupled with online reviews—can help reveal crucial information pertaining to your business. Still, you likely don’t have time to read through countless online reviews and comments about your apartment community, which is why Respage’s thousands of clients count on our Social Media Activity and SentimentRead more

Monitor Your Online Reputation Through Review Response

Online reviews can have a direct influence on whether a tenant chooses to rent from you. One study showed that more than seven in ten renters check online reviews, and they're also interested in seeing whether properties make timely replies to complaints and compliments. Respage's new Review Response service aims to help the multifamily community respond to reviews. Review Response consists of reputation specialists who will monitor your reviewsRead more

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