Why Do Clients Consider Respage as a Partner, Rather than a Vendor? - Respage

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Why Do Clients Consider Respage as a Partner, Rather than a Vendor?

Our clients constantly say that they consider us to be a marketing partner rather than a marketing vendor. And as much as we hate to toot our own horn, we take great pride in this fact. But what is it, exactly, that makes Respage stand out among the rest? We sat down with a few members of our Client Services team to find out.

First off, explains Level 1 Project Manager Lisa Hankin, our systems and services give clients access to the information they need in order to effectively market their properties. "One tool that clients rave about in particular is the Competitor Monitoring Dashboard," says Lisa. The Competitor Monitoring Dashboard allows Respage users to track what people are saying about their competitor's on review sites like Yelp, CitySearch, and Google+. The tool is useful because it enables Respage users to get an understanding of what people like, and dislike, about a competing company. Clients can then use this information to maximize their own results.

In addition to tools like the Competitor Monitoring Dashboard, clients are also extremely satisfied with the customer service provided by Respage. There's nothing worse than being put on hold during an emergency phone call. And with our dedicated and knowledgeable team members available throughout the day, Respage clients don't have to worry about losing touch with our staff in the event something goes awry. For an understanding of just how much we care about our customers, consider the fact that Noel Houser, a Level 2 Project Manager at Respage, once gave her personal cell phone number to a New-York-City-based client during Superstorm Sandy. "I wanted to make sure she would have round-the-clock social media support while updating her residents with the latest storm developments," says Noel.

As if sticking out through a natural disaster isn't impressive enough, our dedication to clients is further demonstrated through our ever-evolving line of services. We make a habit out of talking to clients about the tools they need and the features they'd like to see. And once we've gathered enough information from clients, our development teams begin creating those tools and features from scratch. Since the beginning of 2015, for example, we've already rolled out five new service features, including our Reporting Dashboard and Review Integration Tool. That's more than one new feature per month!

With our proactive approach to improving your apartment marketing strategies, and countless tools and features that remove client responsibility from advertising campaigns, it's easy to see why so many apartment management companies consider Respage to be a partner rather than a vendor. To experience the Respage difference for yourself, contact us today!

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