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How the Death of the F-Pattern Affects Apartment Marketing

Attaching yourself to an Internet trend is about as wise as attaching yourself to a Game of Thrones character. In the world of online marketing, there’s no certainty that what’s here today will remain here tomorrow. Things change quickly. No trend is safe. Valar Morghulis. It’s with this in mind that we say farewell to the F-Pattern, and all of the tricks that search marketers previously used to makeRead more

3 Tips to Help You Find the Perfect AdWords Partner for Your Community

Working with a third party AdWords manager can save you a ton of time. And because time is money, the cost of doing business with a third party is often a better bargain than the Do-It-Yourself approach. With that in mind, we would be remiss if we acted as though every third party vendor is worth the money. Bad deals certainly exist. And the last thing you want toRead more

Why You Shouldn’t Run AdWords on a Need-Be Basis

Building a great Paid Search campaign takes time. The longer you run a campaign, and the more insights you gather from that campaign, the better off you’ll be when it comes to driving paid leads to your website. Unfortunately, when budgets are tight or vacancy rates are low, many apartment communities question whether or not they should continue running Paid Search campaigns through platforms like Google AdWords. This makesRead more

Google’s Search Results Redesign: What Does It Mean for Your Business?

We've all seen it: Google is changing how they display search results. The moves are subtle, but they my have a big impact on organic and paid search campaigns. What's changed? For starters, font size is larger and titles are no longer underlined. A big yellow "Ad" label has replaced the traditional box around paid ads. There are many smaller changes — click here for the full list. HowRead more

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