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What NOT to Post on Social Media

Sure, most of us have at least a general idea of what to share with our Facebook fans and Twitter followers, but have you given any thought to what you should NOT share with them? This topic was recently brought to light thanks to an Arizona restaurant’s epic Facebook meltdown after being featured on Gordon Ramsey’s hit show, Kitchen Nightmares. After receiving heat from Ramsey about their business practices,Read more

Citysearch Reviews Now Available on Respage Express

Resident feedback is vital to your community’s marketing. When people can’t decide where to move, they often visit popular apartment review sites to find out more about the property. In addition to Yelp and, Respage recently added Citysearch to the sites available on the Respage Express system to help you monitor your online reputation. Not only can you keep tabs on your property’s latest scores and reviews, butRead more

Social Media ROI: What Is It?

'Does social media turn into leads and leases?' Customers ask us this question a lot, and we have to say 'probably not.' Other than Craigslist (which isn't technically social media) and generating resident referrals through posts, social media generally doesn't create leads. We track leads for about 400 client communities, and our data shows that six social media-based leads per community per year is a good number. Why? ProspectiveRead more

Respage Social Media & Sentiment Reports: Smarter Than Ever

Respage social media and sentiment reports just got smarter. The reports are graphs charting your community's social media activity. At a glance you'll see your history of positive, negative, neutral and transactional comments. Now you can click anywhere on the graph to reveal the relevant comments. Get a ton of praise in July? Click to see that your barbecue was a big hit. A bunch of maintenance requests? MaybeRead more

Five Tips to Enhance SEO & Online Reputation with Social Media

When prospective residents look for you on the web, they want to see an engaging and responsive community — full of amenities and good neighbors, a place that makes them want to put down roots. Social media not only makes it easy for prospects to find you; it can help ensure that your good name gets better. Click the slideshow below for five tips on using social media toRead more

Is Your Social Media Plan Prepared For a Disaster?

Hurricane Sandy decimated the northeast, causing historic property damage and knocking out power to 2.5 million customers in New York and New Jersey alone. As the storm moved up the coast, mobile social media was the only information channel available to many of those in its path; and as flooding, fuel shortages and transportation issues remained in effect, social media was a primary way to get vital information inRead more

Test Drive Respage Express for Free

Respage Express, our self-service social media management tool, is made to help multifamily professionals like you save time and expand your online reach. For just $39 per month, you get the keys to our powerful social media management system. You can post to multiple sites, manage your reputation, check analytics and see competitor analysis, all from a single screen. Right now we're offering a free 30-day trial for newRead more

Five Social Media Tips for Managing Multiple Properties

During the past three years, we've helped the nation's leading property management companies manage social media campaigns for numerous portfolio properties across multiple social networks. Along the way, we learned the following social media tips and are pleased to share them with you: Keep social media logins in a central place. Have your corporate office administer all Facebook pages.   Make sure your property managers understand copyright basics asRead more

Introducing Respage Express

Got the hang of social media, but need a helping hand? Try Respage Express, our self-service tool. It lets you post social media updates, monitor multiple accounts, manage your reputation and perform analytics, all from our easy-to-use content management system. Check out the slides below to learn more about how Respage Express can help you: What Is Respage Express? View more PowerPoint from Respage  

Respage Survey Reveals Most Multifamily Social Media Engagement Is ‘Transactional’

One of Respage's great features is its hand-scored reputation management system. For two months, Respage has categorized over 3500 social media comments and mentions for its clients using our content moderation services. After crunching the numbers, we've discovered that most social media mentions in the multifamily industry are neither positive nor negative. They're 'transactional.' Want to learn more? Click here to read Ellen Thompson explain the numbers over atRead more

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