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Instagram Micro-influencers and How to Use Them to Promote Your Apartment Community

The growth of Instagram has brought a new way for apartment marketers to spread the word about their communities: influencer marketing. At its core, influencer marketing brings together old and modern marketing tools, combining the tried-and-true approach of celebrity endorsements with content-driven marketing campaigns. Except that these endorsements aren’t coming from celebrities, they’re coming from so-called micro-influencers who have a social media following of 1,000 to 50,000. And unlikeRead more

Instagram posting

11 Unique Instagram Post Ideas for Multifamily Marketing

So, your apartment community has an Instagram account. Now what? While personal accounts can be a fun way to share selfies and envy-inspiring vacation photos, more thought is needed for multifamily marketers who are trying to raise the profile of their apartment community. To make the most of this popular platform, it’s important to think strategically and approach your posts with goals in mind. But no matter what yourRead more


Your Residents Aren’t the Only Ones Talking About Your Community — Leveraging Non-Residents’ Posts for Your Apartment Social Media Strategy

Your residents don’t exist within a vacuum: while they’re the ones actually living in and experiencing your community every day, their family members and friends also get an up-close-and-personal experience with the community. While you’re paying close attention to the things your residents say (and post) about your community, you may be missing out on a large number of other opinions that are out there online. So, how doRead more

Auto-Scheduling Is (Finally) Coming to Instagram Business

Late Wednesday, Facebook announced via Instagram’s Business Blog that it plans to enable post scheduling through the Instagram Graph API - allowing all business profiles to schedule their posts to publish at certain times. The update will eliminate the current roundabout process, which requires user to schedule posts via the dashboard, wait for a push notification approval, and then publish posts manually via mobile. Instagram says the API changeRead more

Facebook Is Placing Major Bets On Chatbot Technology And Multifamily Should Pay Close Attention!

Facebook recently extended its “Click to Messenger” button to Instagram, further signaling the social network’s push towards a universal use of its Messenger app. The move coincides with an industry trend that shows social users increasingly prefer personalized experiences over standard, static pages, and suggests that Facebook foresees a future where online experiences heavily rely on chatbot technology. But before we get into why that is and how multifamilyRead more

Monitor a Brilliant Instagram Presence with the Newest Respage Technology

Photo Credit: Instagram-logo by José Moutinho | CC BY 2.0 Property management companies can now leverage the influence of Instagram through Respage Express. The addition of the image-sharing platform represents yet another step in our commitment to bring clients the industry’s best online marketing tools. In a social media landscape that absolutely loves image-based posts, harnessing the power of Instagram correctly can make a world of difference in yourRead more

Instagram’s Copyright Problem

Instagram proposed changes to its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy this week, which would allow the image-sharing application to merge user data with its parent company Facebook and to display user photos in ads. The company cancelled some changes, but important questions remain about how Instagram will treat your content in the future. Privacy and intellectual property advocates were outraged at the moves, and Instagram initially clarified that users own their photosRead more

Instagram Enters the Big Leagues

Instagram has overtaken Twitter in daily mobile users. According to comScore, the image sharing site now has 7.3 million daily active users, compared to Twitter's 6.9 million. Smartphone owners also spent far more time on Instagram — an average of 250 minutes to Twitter's 147. Since Instagram has only 22 million US users to Twitter's 29 million, this is quite a healthy engagement level. The change is sparked byRead more

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