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The New Apartment PPC Ad Formats Promise a Better ROI

Your apartment PPC ads might look different in the coming months. But don’t worry. This change is for the better. Earlier this year, Google rolled out a new AdWords format dubbed Expanded Text Ads. This format was experimental at first and served as a compliment to the original Standard Text Ads format. But according to a statement issued by the search company, Expanded Text Ads will replace Standard TextRead more

Search Patterns of Renters: An Infographic That Illustrates Where, How, and When People Look for Apartments

Have you ever wondered where most people who google “apartments for rent” live, or what devices they use to conduct their search? This infographic has the answers. Respage analyzed data from millions of apartment related searches across the United States to discover the search patterns of renters. We then visualized that data to make it easier to understand. By pulling insights from this infographic, multifamily communities can build apartmentRead more

3 Tips to Help You Find the Perfect AdWords Partner for Your Community

Working with a third party AdWords manager can save you a ton of time. And because time is money, the cost of doing business with a third party is often a better bargain than the Do-It-Yourself approach. With that in mind, we would be remiss if we acted as though every third party vendor is worth the money. Bad deals certainly exist. And the last thing you want toRead more

Why You Shouldn’t Run AdWords on a Need-Be Basis

Building a great Paid Search campaign takes time. The longer you run a campaign, and the more insights you gather from that campaign, the better off you’ll be when it comes to driving paid leads to your website. Unfortunately, when budgets are tight or vacancy rates are low, many apartment communities question whether or not they should continue running Paid Search campaigns through platforms like Google AdWords. This makesRead more

Will Google’s Newest Extension Improve Engagement for Your Apartment’s PPC Ads?

Last week, Google released a new extension for AdWords that allows marketers to augment their ads with structured snippets. The new extension is similar to the dynamic structured snippets extension released last March. But whereas the March extension automatically pulled snippets into ads based on website categories, the new extension allows marketers to select their own snippets. Like callout extensions, the snippets serve a contextual purpose and are aRead more

AdWords vs. Bing Ads: Which Ad Network Drives the Best Results for Apartment Communities?

Every multifamily management company that runs paid search campaigns as part of its apartment marketing strategy has likely come across the Google vs. Bing debate at one point or another. While there are certainly many distinct advantages to both Bing Ads (Bing’s ad network) and AdWords (Google’s ad network), ultimately only one network can be considered superior when it comes to securing leads in the multifamily industry. Here’s aRead more

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