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Facebook is Listening

No really, it is. This week the social media giant announced a forthcoming mobile app that uses your smartphone's microphone to identify the music, movie, or TV show playing in the background. Users will then get the option to share this as a 'visual' post. Facebook promises that while no sound is stored, the data is archived. What's this mean? Your guess is as good as ours. But itRead more

Facebook Is Watching You

Gone are the days when real-time tracking of another human being required an unmarked van, a satellite, and men in dark glasses. The launch of Facebook's "Nearby Friends" feature allows users to track their friends everywhere. The feature displays nearby friends on a map of the local area. It promises accuracy within half a mile and works quite well in spaces like airports and train stations, where Facebook encouragesRead more

Facebook Changes Gender Settings

Facebook cares about your identity. There are many different interpretations of that statement, but this time it's (mostly) good; the social media giant now allows users to identify as genders other than male and female.  Options include 'transgender,' 'intersex,' and 'fluid,' with appropriate pronouns. Facebook worked with LGBTQ organizations to come up with the changes, which they hope will help users be their "authentic" selves. Users who make theRead more

Facebook’s New Look

Your Facebook newsfeed has a new look: cleaner, easier to read and more visually compelling, with content like music information and Instagram pictures broken into separate feeds. Click here for more information, and watch this space for details on how the new format might impact your business.

Hashtags Are Now on Facebook

Facebook now uses clickable #hashtags. The number-one social network adopted the practice from its rival Twitter. If you haven't used them, they're simple; try typing #phillies in the search bar on your newsfeed. Click on the phrase and you'll see more posts about Philadelphia's baseball team. Until now, Facebook had no way to aggregate posts about hot topics. They don't seem to mind using Twitter's innovation, either, pointing outRead more

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