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Social Media Posting Ideas for Apartment Communities – PART III

This is our third installment of social media posting ideas for multifamily properties, and we’re here with another five ideas that you can incorporate into your online marketing strategy. Plus, after you read through these suggestions, check out Part I and Part II for more ideas. Amenity updates and announcements. Example: The pool opens Friday, June 2nd. Stop by the office to get your pool pass now. Or, visitRead more

Social Media Posting Ideas for Apartment Communities – PART II

If you’re looking for post inspiration for your blog, Facebook, or Twitter, we’ve got you covered. Here are another five topics that you can use to engage your residents that will enhance your multifamily property’s social media marketing strategy. Click here for Social Media Posting Ideas – Part I. Seasonal events – farmers markets, summer concerts, holiday shows, etc. Example: Don’t forget that this Saturday from 8 a.m. toRead more

Social Media Posting Ideas for Apartment Communities – Part I

Do you ever struggle to come up with creative and novel post ideas to share with your residents on your blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts? Well, we’ve done the work for you. Here are five topics that you can use to engage your renters that will work with almost every multifamily social media strategy – and check back soon for more ideas! Resident announcements – weather announcements, general maintenance,Read more

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