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Facebook Dashboard: New Look, New Functions

Manage multiple Facebook pages?  Then you've probably noticed the new look on Facebook's dashboard.  The full functionality of the new look is still a bit unclear, but we've included a basic overview of what we've learned about the updated dashboard thus far. Once you log into your main Facebook account, you will see a new section titled "Pages" on the left hand side of your dashboard.  Some of yourRead more

Facebook Advertising Guidelines Update

As of Tuesday, August 23, 2011, Facebook made updates to their Advertising Guidelines.  Prior to this, the last revision to the guidelines was made on January 10, 2011. More details to come regarding the latest update.

Spend A Musical Day at Philadelphia’s Pennypack Park

Pennypack Park has been a popular gathering place for community members and visitors for decades. Now widely associated with the annual Pennypack Park Festival, which began as a grassroots project in the 1970s for weekly musical performances, the park has a long history of creativity. Most activity still revolves around the yearly festival—it was revived in the past decade to restore the bandshell and the park’s musical presence—and itRead more

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